President makes 'long-distance' call

President Barack Obama is joined by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, left, to talk with astronauts in orbit on the Internation Space Station, above.

President Barack Obama is joined by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, left, to talk with astronauts in orbit on the Internation Space Station, above.

Photos: AP 

President Barack Obama is joined by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, left, to talk with astronauts in orbit on the International Space Station, above.

Strong praise for revamping of consumer protection board


WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Barack Obama today revamped the chief body charged with protecting American consumers, the move coming less than a month after Sen. Bill Nelson called for new leadership at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.




Cyber attacks bring renewed call for protections


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Cyber-invaders thought to be somewhere in China have recently hacked into the computer network in U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson’s office.  Senate security is investigating.



Floridian's wife pleads case in Capitol

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A belief that Robert Levinson, the retired FBI agent who disappeared two years ago in Iran, may still be alive led lawmakers to join with Levinson's wife and children in a renewed push to call on Iran to divulge details about the Floridian's 2007 disappearance.


Christine Levinson speaks from a podium at a press conference on a resolution introduced by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, right.

      Staff photo 

Christine Levinson speaks from a podium at a press conference on a resolution introduced by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, right.

Senators take aim at Wall Street excess


WASHINGTON, D.C. - As more and more stories surface about misuse of the billions of taxpayer dollars the government has pumped into banks and Wall Street behemoths, a group of key U.S. senators is pushing new legislation that would establish clear guidelines and provide the public with the first details on how the money is being spent.

Obama, Nelson talking shop

Sen. Nelson shares a moment with Barack Obama while the two were in Florida just before the history–making presidential election.

         Photo: The Miami Herald 

Sen. Nelson shares a moment with Barack Obama while the two were in Florida just before the history-making presidential election.
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