Import Administration
FTZ Staff Contact Information
last update: September 2002 

[Federal Register: May 11, 1994]


[Docket 4-94]

Foreign-Trade Subzone 59A, Lincoln, NE; Request for Expanded
Manufacturing Authority; Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Corporation
U.S.A. Plant (Utility Work Trucks); Extension of Public Comment Period

    The comment period for the above case, requesting authority to
manufacture utility work trucks under zone procedures within Subzone
59A (59 FR 2592, 1/18/94; 59 FR 14607, 3/29/94), is further extended to
June 2, 1994, to allow interested parties additional time in which to
comment on the proposal.
    Comments in writing are invited during this period. Submissions
should include 3 copies. Material submitted will be available at:
Office of the Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board, U.S.
Department of Commerce, room 3716, 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230.

    Dated: May 3, 1994.
John J. Da Ponte, Jr.,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 94-11448 Filed 5-10-94; 8:45 am]