Import Administration
FTZ Staff Contact Information
last update: September 2002 


                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                               [Docket 60-91]

        			Foreign-Trade Zone
          72--Indianapolis, IN; Application for Subzone Endress +
             Hauser Industrial Instruments Plant, Greenwood, IN

                         Thursday, October 31, 1991

An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the 
Board) by the Indianapolis Airport Authority, grantee of FTZ 72, requesting 
special-purpose subzone status for the industrial control instrumentation 
manufacturing facility of Endress +Hauser, Inc. (E+H) (subsidiary of E+H 
AG, Switzerland), located in Greenwood, Indiana. The application was 
submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as 
amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), and the regulations of the Board (15 CFR part 
400). It was formally filed on October 15, 1991.

The E+H manufacturing plant (83,000 sq. ft on 7.3 acres) is located at 2350
Endress Place, adjacent to U.S. Route 31 in northern Johnson County, some
25 miles southeast of Indianapolis. The facility employs 190 persons and is
used for the manufacturing, warehousing, research/development, and testing
of industrial process control instruments and sensors for measuring
pressure rates, liquid levels, material flow rates and moisture levels. The
finished instruments include hygrometers, pyrometers, calibrating meters,
hydraulic and pneumatic regulators, and automatic regulating instruments
for heating/cooling systems (HTS Headings 9025-28, 9030, 9032). Components
and materials sourced abroad include: Epoxides, plastics, stainless steel
wire, steel springs, copper springs and screws, aluminum fasteners, ADP
equipment, electronic components, and various instrument parts and
accessories (duty rate range: Free-10%).

Zone procedures would exempt E+H from Customs duty payments on the foreign
materials used in its export production. On its domestic sales, the company
would be able to choose duty rates that apply to finished instrumentation
and sensors (duty rates: 3.9%-10%). The applicant indicates that subzone
status would help improve the company's international competitiveness.

In accordance with the Board's regulations, an examiners committee has been
appointed to investigate the application and report to the Board. The
committee consists of Dennis Puccinelli (Chairman), Foreign-Trade Zones 
Staff, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230; John F. Nelson, 
District Director, U.S. Customs Service, North Central Region, 55 Erieview 
Plaza, Cleveland, OH 44114; and, Colonel David E. Peixotto, District 
Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer District Louisville, P.O. Box 59, Louisville, 
KY 40201-0059.

Comments concerning the proposed foreign-trade subzone are invited from
interested parties. They should be addressed to the Board's Executive
Secretary at the address below and postmarked on or before December 12, 1991.

A copy of the application and accompanying exhibits will be available for
public inspection at each of the following locations:
U.S. Department of Commerce, District Office, 
One North Capital, suite 520,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Office of the Executive Secretary, 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, 
U.S. Department of Commerce, room 3716,
14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20230.

Dated: October 24, 1991.

John J. Da Ponte, Jr.,

Executive Secretary.

[FR Doc. 91-26308 Filed 10-30-91; 8:45 am]