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                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 
                           Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                                [Order No. 377] 
                                  53 FR 12446 
                                 April 14, 1988 
Approach for Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 66, Wilmington, North
Carolina, Within the Wilmington Customs Port of Entry 
TEXT: Pursuant to its authority under the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June
18, 1934, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-8lu), and the Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Regulations (15 CFR Part 400), the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the Board) 
adopts the following order: 
   Whereas, the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Grantee of Foreign-
Trade Zone No. 66, Wilmington, North Carolina, has applied to the Board for
authority to expand its general-purpose zone to include the entire 
Wilmington port terminal complex (390 acres), within the Wilmington Customs
port of entry;  
   Whereas, the application was filed on July 18, 1986, and notice inviting
public comment was given in the Federal Register on July 30, 1986 (Docket 
No. 25-86, 51 FR 27232); 
   Whereas, an examiner's committee has investigated the application in 
accordance with the Board's regulations and recommends approval based on a
finding that the expansion would improve zone services in the Wilmington 
area; and, 
   Whereas, the Board has found that the requirements of the Foreign-Trade
Zones Act, as amended, and the Board's regulations are satisfied, and that
approval of the application is in the public interest; 
   Now, therefore, the Board hereby orders: 
   That the Grantee is authorized to expand its zone in accordance with the 
application filed July 18, 1986. The grant does not include authority for 
manufacturing operations, and the Grantee shall notify the Board for approval
prior to the commencement of any manufacturing or assembly operations. The 
authority given in this Order is subject to settlement locally by the 
District Director of Customs and the District Army Engineer regarding 
compliance with their respective requirements relating to foreign-trade 
   Signed at Washington, DC this 7th day of April, 1988.  
Gilbert B. Kaplan, 
 Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Chairman,
Committee of Alternates, Foreign-Trade Zones Board. 
John J. Da Ponte, 
   Executive Secretary.   
[FR Doc. 88-8216 Filed 4-13-88; 8:45 am]