Import Administration
September 2001:   New FTZ Mailing Address  
last update: September 2002 
                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 
                           Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                               [Docket No. 3-85] 
                                   50 FR 7940 
                               February 27, 1985 
Foreign-Trade Zone 90, Onondaga County, NY; Application for Subzone; 
Smith-Corona Typewriter Plant, Cortland County, NY; Correction  
TEXT: On February 11, 1985 notice was given (50 FR 5653) concerning the 
application of Onondaga County, New York. In referring to the product made 
at the plant in para 3, line 6, the notice is amended to substitute the word 
"electronic" for the word "electric". 
   Dated: February 21, 1985. 
   John J. Da Ponte, Jr., 
   Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board.   
[FR Doc. 85-4734 Filed 2-26-85; 8:45 am]