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                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 
                           Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                                [Order No. 272] 
                                  49 FR 35395 
                               September 7, 1984 
Resolution and Order Approving the Application of the Metropolitan 
Nashville-Davidson County Port Authority To Expand the Scope of Operations 
at Subzone 78A To Include Auto Manufacturing 
TEXT: Proceedings of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Washinton, D.C.  
Resolution and Order 
   Pursuant to the authority granted in the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June
18, 1934, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), the Foreign-Trade Zones Board has 
adopted the following Resolution and Order: 
   The Board, having considered the matter, hereby orders:  
   After consideration of the application of the Metropolitan Nashville-
Davidson County Port Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 78, and 
Subzone 78A approved for the truck manufacturing operations of Nissan Motor 
Manufacturing, U.S.A. in Smyrna, Tennessee, filed with the Foreign-Trade 
Zones Board (the Board) on May 25, 1984, requesting authority to expand 
the scope of operations conducted under zone procedures at Subzone 78A to 
include automobile manufacturing, the Board, finding that the requirements 
of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as amended, and the Board's regulations are 
satisfied, and that the proposal is in the public interest, approves the 
   The Secretary of Commerce, as Chairman and Executive Officer of the 
Board, is hereby authorized to issue a grant of authority and appropriate 
Board Order.  
   Authority for Auto Manufacturing Operations at Foreign-Trade Subzone 78A,
Smyrna, Tennessee 
   Whereas, the Metropolitan Nashville-Davidson County Port Authority, 
grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 78 and of Subzone 78A at the truck 
manufacturing plant of Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corporation U.S.A. in 
Smyrna, Tennessee, has made application (filed May 17, 1984, Docket No. 
27-84, 49 FR 22120) to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the Board) for 
authority to expand the scope of operations conducted under zone 
procedures at Subzone 78A to include automobile manufacturing; 
   Whereas, notice of said application has been given and published, and 
full opportunity has been afforded all interested parties to be heard; and,
   Whereas, the Board has found that the operation is in the public 
interest, and that the requirements of the Act and the Board's regulations 
are otherwise satisfied;  

   Now, therefore, in accordance with the application filed May 17, 1984, 
the Board hereby authorizes the manufacture of automobiles at Subzone 78A, 
subject to the provisions and restrictions of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act 
and Regulations issued thereunder. Operational approval of the District 
Director of Customs shall be obtained before zone procedures are used.  
   In witness whereof, the Foreign-Trade Zones Board has caused its name 
to be signed and its seal to be affixed hereto by its Chairman and 
Executive Officer or his delegate at Washington, D.C. this 30th day of 
August 1984 pursuant to Order of the Board. 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
William T. Archey, 
 Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Trade Administration Chairman, 
Committee of Alternates. 
John J. Da Ponte, Jr., 
   Executive Secretary.   
[FR Doc. 84-23762 Filed 9-6-84; 8:45 am]