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                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 
                           Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                               [Docket No. 40-84] 
                                  49 FR 37131 
                               September 21, 1984 
Foreign-Trade Zone 70, Detroit, MI; Application for Reorganization  
TEXT: An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
(the Board) by the Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., grantee of 
Foreign-Trade Zone 70 in Detroit, requesting authority to reorganize its 
zone project within the Detroit Customs port of entry. The application was 
submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as 
amended (19 USC 81a-81u), and the regulations of the Board (15 CFR Part 
400). It was formally filed on September 4, 1984. The applicant is 
authorized to make this proposal under Chapter 447, Act 154, Michigan 
Public Acts of 1963 (MSA 21.302(1)). 
   On July 21, 1981, the Board authorized GDFTZ to establish a foreign-trade
zone project in the Detroit area (Board Order 176, 46 FR 38941, 7/30/81). 
General-purpose zone facilities are located at a 5-acre site within the 
Clark Street Port facility in downtown Detroit, and at a 5.5-acre 
distribution complex at 6700 Chase Road in Dearborn. 
   The reorganization would involve deleting the Dearborn site, expanding 
the Clark Street Port zone site, and adding two public warehousing sites. 
Added to the Clark Street Port site would be a 2-acre open-storage area on 
Scotten Street between Fort and Jefferson, and a 10-story, one million 
square foot warehouse at Clark and Jefferson Streets. The expanded areas 
will be operated by the present operator: Detroit Marine Terminals, Inc. 
   One of the new proposed zone sites is a 10,000 square foot warehouse at 
28601 Hildebrandt, Romulus, near Detroit's Airport, operated by W.F. Whelan
Company, Inc. The other new proposed zone facility involves the warehousing
facilities of Lutheran Brothers, Inc., at 2030 Howard Street, within the 
Westside Industrial Park, Detroit, one half mile from the Ambassador Bridge 
to Canada. The facility involves a 30,000 square foot building and a 
7-story, 1.2 million square foot building. The reorganization/expansion is 
being requested to improve zone services to the area's business firms. 
   In accordance with the Board's regulations, an examiners committee has 
been appointed to investigate the application and report to the Board. The 
committee consists of: Dennis Puccinelli (Chairman), Foreign-Trade Zones 
Staff, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230; William 
Morandini, District Director, U.S. Customs Service, North Central Region, 
477 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48226; and Colonel Raymond T. Beurket, 
District Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer District Detroit, P.O. Box 1027, 
Detroit, MI 48231.  
   Comments concerning the proposed zone reorganization are invited in 
writing from interested persons and organizations. They should be addressed
to the Board's Executive Secretary at the address below and postmarked on 
or before October 22, 1984. 
   A copy of the application is available for public inspection at each of 
the following locations: 
U.S. Dept. of Commerce District Office, 
Federal Bldg., Room 445, 
231 W. Lafayette St., 
Detroit, MI 48226 
Office of the Executive Secretary, 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, 
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 1529, 
14th and Pennsylvania, NW., 
Washington, D.C. 20230  
   Dated: September 14, 1984. 
John J. Da Ponte, Jr., 
   Executive Secretary.   
[FR Doc. 84-25166 Filed 9-20-84; 8:45 am]