Import Administration
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last update: September 2002 
                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 
                           Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                               [Docket No. 27-84] 
                                  49 FR 27805 
                                  July 6, 1984 
Foreign-Trade Subzone 78A, Nissan Truck Plant, Smyrna, Tennessee; Request 
for Approval for Automobile Manufacturing 
TEXT: The period for comments on the application of the Metropolitan 
Nashville-Davidson County Port Authority for authority to expand the scope 
of operations conducted under zone procedures at the subzone of Nissan 
Motor Manufacturing Corp. U.S.A. (Subzone 78A) in Smyrna, Tennessee, 
currently approved for truck manufacturing operations, to include automobile
manufacturing (49 FR 22120, 5/25/84) is extended to July 18, 1984, in 
response to requests from interested parties for additional time for 
   Comments in writing are invited during this period. Submissions shall 
include 5 copies. Material submitted will be available for public inspection
at the Office of the Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board, U.S. 
Dept. of Commerce, Rm. 1872, 14th & Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, 
D.C. 20230.  
   Dated: July 2, 1984. 
John J. Da Ponte, Jr., 
   Executive Secretary.  
[FR Doc. 84-18065 Filed 7-5-84; 8:45 am] 
   BILLING CODE 3510-25-M