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                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 
                           Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                               [Docket No. 6-81] 
                                  46 FR 27980 
                                  May 22, 1981 

Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone -- Baltimore/Washington International Airport, 
Md.; Application and Public Hearing 

TEXT: Notice is hereby given that an application has been submitted to the 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the Board) by the Maryland Department of 
Transportation (MDOT), a State public agency, requesting authority to 
establish a general-purpose foreign-trade zone at the Baltimore/Washington 
International Airport (BWI), in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, with the 
Baltimore Customs port of entry. The application was submitted pursuant 
to the provisions of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of 1934, as amended 
(19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), and the regulations of the Board (15 CFR Part 400). 
It was formally filed on May 14, 1981. The applicant is authorized to make 
this proposal under Chapter 519, Acts of 1978, Sections 466-469 of Article 
23, Annotated Code of Maryland.  
   The applicant proposes to establish a foreign-trade zone within BWI's 
Air Cargo/Industrial Park Complex which covers 500 acres on airport 
property. The zone will consist of two sites on 38 acres to be developed 
in successive stages. Site one is a 16-acre parcel on Maryland Route 170 
near Taxiway "A". It contains three existing air cargo buildings totaling 
103,000 square feet of floor space to be used for initial zone operations. 
Site two, located on Maryland Route 176 near Taxiway "T" would be 
developed to accommodate the needs of anticipated processing and 
manufacturing users. The State Aviation Administration, and MDOT agency, 
would operate the zone in conjunction with its overall operation of the 

   MDOT has been working in close cooperation with the Maryland Department 
of Economic and Community Development in formulating a zone project 
consistent with State needs. As a result, the project has been designed 
as an integral part of the State's economic development efforts to 
attract new business and to support existing industries. 

   The application contains evidence concerning the need for zone services 
in the Baltimore area. The applicant's market survey indicates substantial 
interest on the part of the Maryland business community, particularly 
firms using BWI airport. 

    In accordance with the Board's regulations, an examiners committee has 
beenappointed to investigate the application and report to the Board. The 
committee consists of: Paul R. Nichols (Chairman), Program Manager, Import 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230; 
Carl W. Johnson, Program Analyst, Customs Service, Region III, 40 South 
Gay Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202; and Colonel James W. Peck, District 
Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer District Baltimore, P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore, 
Maryland 21203. 

   As part of its investigation, the examiners committee will hold a 
public hearing on June 25, 1981, beginning at 10:00 a.m., in Conference 
Room 2 of the Passenger Terminal, Baltimore/Washington International 
Airport, Maryland. The purpose of the hearing is to help inform interested 
persons, to provide an opportunity for their expression of views, and to 
obtain information useful to the examiners. 

   Interested parties are invited to present their views at the hearing. 
They should notify the Board's Executive Secretary of their desire to be 
heard in writing at the address below or by phone (202/377-2862) by 
June 17, 1981. Instead of an oral presentation, written statements may be 
submitted to the examiners committee in accordance with the Board's 
regulations, care of the Executive Secretary, at any time from the date 
of this notice through July 25, 1981. Evidence submitted during the 
post-hearing period is not desired unless it is clearly shown that the 
matter is new and material and that there are good reasons why it could 
not be presented at the hearing. A copy of the application and 
accompanying exhibits will be available during this time for public 
inspection at each of the following locations: 

District Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, 
415 U.S. Customshouse, 
Gay and Lombard Streets, 
Baltimore, Maryland 21202 
Office of the Executive Secretary, 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, 
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 2006, 
Washington, D.C. 20230 
Dated: May 18, 1981. 
John J. Da Ponte, Jr., 
Executive Secretary.  

[FR Doc. 81-15327 Filed 5-21-81; 8:45 am]