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Government Affairs and Advocacy

This Week In Washington

Congress Approves FY 2010 Budget Framework
The House (233-193) and Senate (53-43) April 29 approved a conference agreement (H.Rept. 111-89) for the FY 2010 budget resolution. No Republicans voted for the measure in either chamber. The measure provides a framework for funding increases for the NIH, CDC, NHSC, and HRSA, as well as an avenue to move health care reform legislation. More >>

AAMC, Hospital Groups Urge Congressional Support for Medicare and Medicaid DSH Programs
The AAMC signed an April 27 letter urging continued congressional support for Medicare and Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) programs. The letter was sent to all members of the House and Senate and recommends the preservation of federal support for DSH payments until "coverage expansions are universal and fully implemented and Medicare and Medicaid payment shortfalls are addressed." More >>

AAMC Comments on OMB Recovery Act Standard Data Elements
The AAMC April 29 provided comments to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the standard data elements for reports under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5). Section 1512 of the Recovery Act requires standardized reporting for recipients of federal grants, cooperative agreements, and loan funds under the Act. More >>

Legislative Update AAMC Legislative and Regulatory Update, March 2009 (PDF, 48 pages)
Read this summary of the major legislative and regulatory actions of importance to medical schools and teaching hospitals.

The AAMC and its members look forward to working with the Obama administration and Congress to promote policies that will strengthen our nation's health.
Read the AAMC Policy Priorities
(PDF, 49 pages)


It's Time for Health Care and Financial Security for All

The AAMC is one of more than 60 organizations to endorse this initiative.


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