CCME Presentations


Reardon, B., Peitzsch, E., and D. Fagre. 2008. "Sliding into Spring: understanding glide slab avalanches in Glacier National Park, Montana." Intnl. Snow Sci. Wkshp. Whistler, B. C. Sept. 22-26, 2008.

Pederson, G.T., Gray, S.T., Fagre D.B., Shinker, J.J., Graumlich, L.J. 2008. Multi-scale reconstructions of snowpack variability for key watersheds in western North America: Tree-rings provide insights on the past 500 to 1000 years. MTNCLIM 2008, June 9-12, Silverton, CO.

Woodhouse C., Gray, S.T., Hughes, M., Kipfmuller, K., Pederson, G.T. , Salzer, M, Brown, P, and Lucas, J, 2008. Interpreting and refining the climate signal in millennial-length 5-needle pine chronologies. MTNCLIM 2008, June 9-12, Silverton, CO.

Marsh W, Pederson, G.T., Fagre, D.B. and Gray,ST , 2008. Trends in snowpack evolution, spring precipitation, and streamflow in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. MTNCLIM 2008, June 9-12, Silverton CO.

Reardon, B.A., Harper, J., Fagre, D.B., and Deskins, A.M. 2008. Climatic and topographic influences on the mass balance of a receding cirque glacier, Glacier National Park, Montana [abstract]. MTNCLIM 2008, June 9-12, Silverton, CO.

Bekker, Matthew F.//Fagre, Daniel B. 2008. Ribbon forest and snow conditions in Glacier National Park, Montana. MTNCLIM 2008, June 9-12, Silverton, CO.

Fagre, D.B. 2008. Cascading climate change impacts on the crown of the continent ecosystem, 2008. Lecture to Glacier National Park summer interpreters. Lake McDonald, MT, June 6, 2008.

Pederson, G. T. 2008, Northern Rockies Ecosystem Dynamics: A focus on mountain snowpack, snow avalanches, and glaciers. Presented to the School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona, March 13, 2008, Phoenix, AZ.

Pederson, G. T. 2008, Northern Rockies Ecosystem Dynamics: A focus on mountain snowpack, snow avalanches, and glaciers. Presented to the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona, March 12, 2008, Phoenix, AZ.

Fagre, D.B. 2008. What’s Happening to Our Glaciers? Public presentation sponsored by The Montana House and the Glacier National Park Fund, Montana House, Apgar, Montana. February 23, 2008.

Fagre, D.B. 2008. Cascading Climate Change Impacts on the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. 2008 Wilderness Issues Lecture Series, Climate Change: Moving from Science to Solutions, Wilderness Institute and Center for Ethics, University of Montana, Missoula. February 12, 2008. (videorecorded and available soon at the Multimedia Center on,

Fagre, D.B. 2008. Cascading Ecological Effects of Climate Change in the Rocky Mountains. Breckenridge Nature Series, sponsored by Town of Breckenridge at Breckenridge Recreational Center, Breckenridge, Colorado. February 2, 2008.

Fagre, D.B. 2008. Ecological Thresholds Relating to Climate Change. USGS Global Change Seminar Series, USGS National Visitor Center, Reston, VA. January 17, 2008. Available as audio file, transcript and downloadable powerpoint presentation at blogs/corecast/index.php.

Fagre, D.B. 2008. Climate Change in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem: What Disappearing Glaciers Tell Us About the Future of Natural Resources. Institute for Noetic Sciences, Bohemian Grange Hall, Whitefish, MT. January 10, 2008.

Fagre, D. B. 2008. Climate Change in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem: What Disappearing Glaciers Tell Us About the Future of Natural Resources. Lecture to Crown of the Continent Institute and Department of Geography course, Crown of the Continent, Rick Graetz instructor, University of Montana, Missoula. January 9, 2008.


Fagre D. B. 2007, Climate Change Has Cascading Ecological Effects on Mountain Ecosystems, CIRMOUNT-Sponsored Session: Climate Change in High-Elevation Mountain Environments, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 10-14, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007. The Future of the Northwest’s “Water Towers”: Effects of Climate Change on Mountain Ecosystems. Presented to Northwest Natural Resource Forum, Astoria, OR. October 18, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy, and Management for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. Presentation made (twice) during Open House for authors at Montana House, Apgar Village, Glacier National Park, MT. September 29, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy, and Management for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. Presentation made (twice) to Open House and Book Signing for Authors Fagre and Chadwick and Artist Harada at Montana House, Apgar Village, Glacier National Park, MT. September 29, 2007

Fagre, D.B. 2007. Status of Glaciers and Snow in Study Areas of the Western Mountain Initiative. Presented at 2007 Annual Meeting of USGS Western Mountain Initiative, Pingree Park, CO. September 24-27, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. The Western Mountain Initiative: Accomplishments and Status. Presented at 2007 Annual Meeting of USGS Western Mountain Initiative, Pingree Park, CO. September 24-27, 2007.

Fagre, D. B., 2007. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy, and Management for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. [presentation and poster], Parks, Peace and Partnerships Conference, Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada, September 9 to 12, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. Cascading Ecological Effects of Climate Change on a Transboundary Region. 5A. Tranboundary Protection Case Studies I. Parks, Peace, and Partnerships Conference, Waterton, Alberta, Canada. September 9-12, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. Cascading Climate Change Impacts on the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. Presented at Cold Climes Session, First Climate Change Science Conference, The Nature Conservancy, Double Tree Hotel, Portland, OR. September 5-7, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. Climate Change in Glacier National Park: What Disappearing Glaciers Tell Us About the Future of Mountain Ecosystems. Presentation to Vanishing Ice: An Artists’ Journey to Climate Change in the Landscape of the Northern Rockies (, West Glacier, MT. August 16, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. Briefing to James Wolfensohn, Past President of the World Bank, consulting firm with Paul Volker, former Federal Reserve Chairman, and Story Clark, Conservation Consulting, for keynote speech to Conservation International, SnowKing Resort, Jackson, Wyoming. August 15, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. Climate Change in the Northern Rocky Mountains: What Disappearing Glaciers Tell Us About the Future of Fish and Wildlife. Keynote Presentation to Board of Directors and Staff of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Annual Meeting, National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, Wyoming. August 14, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007, Wright Center for Education, Tufts University. Presentation as group hiked to Grinnell Glacier as part of course to train science teachers. July 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007, Climate Change in Glacier National Park, Science in the Park Series, Lake McDonald Lodge, Glacier National Park, MT, June 15, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007. Cascading Climate Change Impacts on the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, presented at Spotlight on Science at the US Fish and Wildlife Regional Office in Portland, OR. Spotlight on Science, a cooperative effort between BLM, FWS, USGS, and the USFS, addressed the topic "Effectiveness of Ecological Reserves in the Face of Climate Change" May 3, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007. Panelist and co-presenter at Assoc. of American Geographers annual meeting in San Francisco, CA, April 15-21, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007. Adapting to the Reality of Climate Change at Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park: Perspectives from the World Heritage Committee on a Petition for a Listing of Endangerment. Clinic on International Environmental Law, Lewis and Clark College of Law, Portland, OR. March 5, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007. Participant in Montana Governor's Science Advisory Committee meeting on Climate Change, Helena, MT, Feb. 8, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. Glacial recession, climate change and the future of Glacier National Park: Research and Management Implications. Presentation to Government Accountability Office (GAO) Review Team, Belton Hotel, West Glacier, MT. February 7, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007. Presenter in 3-4 communities in British Columbia, sponsored by Columbia Basin Trust and Univ. of British Columbia, Jan 29-31, 2007.

Fagre, D.B. 2007. How the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem Responds to Climate Change: Cascading Ecological Changes Reflect Rising Temperatures. Presentation to the Montana Board of Directors, The Nature Conservancy, Whitefish, MT. January 25, 2007.

Fagre, D. B. 2007. Panelist/presenter on climate and global warming at the 23rd Annual Frank Church Conference, Jan. 22, 2007, Boise State University, Boise, ID. Al Gore is keynote speaker.

Gray S.T., G.T. Pederson, and A.G. Bunn. 2007. Hydroclimatic variability in the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA since 900 AD, 2007 International Union for Quaternary Research Congress, Cairns, Australia, July 28-August 3, 2007.

Gray, S. T., G. T. Pederson, and A. G. Bunn. 2007. Millennial-scale reconstructions of regional hydrology from the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA [presentation], 2007 Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA, April 17-21, 2007.

Pederson, GT. Climate Change and Western Montana. ICLE National Conversation on Climate Action, Bozeman courthouse community room, Bozeman, MT. October 4, 2007.

Pederson, GT and DB Fagre. Ecosystem Services – Developing a better understanding of linkages between climate, terrestrial, and aquatic systems. USGS NRMSC center meeting, Bozeman, MT. September 26, 2007.

Pederson, G.T., D.B. Fagre, S. Gray, L. Graumlich, JJ schinker, J. Munroe and B. Laabs, J. Soros. 2007. Ecosystem Services: Developing a better understanding of linkages between climate, terrestrial and aquatic systems. Presented at 2007 Annual Meeting of USGS Western Mountain Initiative, Pingree Park, CO. September 24-27, 2007.

Pederson G. T., S. T. Gray, J.J. Shanker, D.B. Fagre, and L.J. Graumlich. 2007. A novel tree-ring based approach for reconstructing records of long-term snowpack variability in western North America, 2007 International Union for Quaternary Research Congress, Cairns, Australia, July 28-August 3, 2007.

Pederson, GT. 2007. Climate Change, Wildlife, and Protected Areas: New Insights, New Urgency. International Migratory Bird Day – Birds in a Changing Climate, sponsored by the USFS. May 8th, 2007.

Pederson, GT. 2007. Climate Change Impacts in the GYE. Wildlife Conservation Society GYE Climate Change Meeting. Fish Technology Center, Bozeman, MT. May 3, 2007.

Pederson G. T., S. T. Gray, J. J. Shanker, D. B. Fagre, and L. J. Graumlich. 2007. A novel approach for improving records of long-term, multi-scale snowpack variability in western North America [presentation], 2007 Meeting of the Association of American Geographers; San Francisco, CA, April 17-21, 2007.

Pederson, GT. 2007. Climate Driven Changes in Glaciers, Treeline, and Wildland Fire in Montana and Western North America. Montana State University Physics Colloquium. March 23, 2007.

Pederson, GT. 2007. Climate Change Impacts on the Intermountain West. Mountains and Minds Lecture. February 28, 2007.

Pederson, GT. 2007. Climate Driven Changes in Glaciers, Treeline, and Wildland Fire in Montana and Western North America. Moonlight Basin Ski Resort. February 20, 2007.


Butler, D.R., G.P. Malanson, S.J. Walsh, L.M. Resler, D.B. Fagre, and C.F. Sawyer. 2005. Multi-scale Geomorphic Impacts and Controls on Alpine Treeline. 36th International Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium [poster], University at Buffalo, SUNY, October 7-9, 2005.

Butler, D.R., G.P. Malanson, S.J. Walsh, and D.B. Fagre. 2006. Repeat Photography and the Western Mountain Initiative [poster]. MTNCLIM 2006 conference, Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, OR. September 19-22, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. Interview on Wyoming Public Radio, broadcast December 1, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. Climate Change in the Northern Rockies: What Disappearing Glaciers Tell Us About the Future of Water. 2006-07 Water Faculty Seminar Series, Haub School and Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie. November 30, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. Climate Change in Western North America: What Disappearing Glaciers Tell Us about the Future of Water. Connecting Water Resources 2006. Water Management in Canada: Leadership at Every Level. Canadian Water Network, Montreal, Quebec. November 22, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. How Glacier National Park Responds to Climate Change. Glacier Country Avalanche Center, O’Shaunessy Center, Whitefish, Montana. November 18, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. How Glacier National Park Responds to Climate Change: Cascading Ecological Effects Reflect Rising Temperatures. 2006-2007 Ashland University Environmental Lecture Series: “Environmental Issues in the National Parks”. Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio. November 9, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. Expert Panelist in Freshwater Ecosystems. U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Workshop on Climate Change and Federal Lands, National Academies of Science, Washington, D.C. November 2-3, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. Update on Global Change Activities for 2006. USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center annual meeting, Bozeman, MT. October 25, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. Glacial Recession: What is Happening to the Glaciers in the Pacific Northwest? Climate Change in the Canadian Columbia Basin: Starting the Dialogue. Columbia Basin Trust, Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada. October 20, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. Climate Change in the Northern Rockies: What Disappearing Glaciers Tell Us About the Future of Water. AWRA (American Water Resources Association), Montana Section 23rd Annual Meeting. KwaTuqNuk Inn, Polson, MT. October 12-13, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006, MTNCLIM Conference, Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, OR. September 19-22, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. Impacts of declining snow and ice in western U.S. mountains: Progress towards integrated assessments. Western Mountain Initiative Annual Meeting, Skamania, WA, September 16-18, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. Climatic change and atmospheric deposition: global changes to a pristine national park. Western Regional Air Partnership meeting, Glacier National Park, West Glacier, MT. September 13, 2006.

Fagre, D.B., G.T. Pederson, S.T. Gray and L.J. Graumlich. 2006. Teleconnections through space and time: Glaciers, water and the West. Session: Climate Variability, Natural Resources, and Societies: Perspectives from the Past. 36th AMQUA Biennial Meeting, Bozeman, MT. August 18-20, 2006.

Fagre, D.B, L. McKeon, R. Menicke, and B. A. Reardon. 2006. Geospatial technologies document the disappearing glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT. [poster] 26th Annual ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, CA. August 7-11, 2006.

Fagre, D.B, K. Holzer, B.Reardon, G. Pederson, and L. McKeon. 2006. The Disappearing Glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT. [poster] Waterton-Glacier Science and History Day, Waterton Lakes, Alberta, July 27, 2006.

Fagre, D.B, K. Holzer, B.Reardon, G. Pederson, and L. McKeon. 2006. Repeat Photography [poster], Waterton-Glacier Science and History Day, Waterton Lakes, Alberta, July 27, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. Rocky Mountain High: Global Warming in the West. City Club of Boise Forum, The Grove Hotel, Boise, ID. July 24, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. The effects of climatic change on Glacier National Park: Past, Present, and Future. Glacier National Park Annual Interpreter training workshop, Glacier National Park, West Glacier, MT. June 13, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. Climate Change Research Networks in Western Mountains: Added Value from Scaling Up Our Science. USGS Global Change Research Program Strategic Planning Workshop, Denver, CO. June 26-28, 2006.

Fagre, D.B, L. McKeon, R. Menicke, and B. A. Reardon. 2006. Geospatial technologies document the disappearing glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT [poster]. USGS Global Change Research Program Strategic Planning Workshop, Denver, CO. June 26-28, 2006.

Fagre, D.B., N. Stephenson, C. Allen, J. Baron, D. Peterson and D. McKenzie. 2006. Climate Change Research Networks in Western Mountains: Added Value from Scaling Up Our Science. USGS Global Change Research Program Strategic Planning Workshop, Denver, CO. June 26-28, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. How Glacier National Park Responds to Climate Change and What It Tells Us About the Future. Community lecture, United Methodist Church, Columbia Falls, MT, May 15, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. Changing climates, changing resources – the future of Glacier National Park. 17th Annual Rocky Mountain State Parks Executive Conference, State Parks and Tourism – Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities, Glacier National Park, West Glacier, MT. May 8-11, 2006.

Fagre, D.B. 2006. How Glacier National Park Responds to Climate Change: Cascading ecological effects reflect changing water balance. Climate Change – Organizing the Science for the American Cordillera (CONCORD), Mendoza, Argentina, April 4-6, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. Glacier National Park and Climate Change: Past, Present and Future. Academic Awards Banquet, Northfield High School, Northfield, Minnesota, March 20, 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. Workshop participant and consultant for the World Heritage and Climate Change Expert Meeting, World Heritage Center, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, March 2006.

Fagre, D. B. 2006. How Glacier National Park Responds to Climate Change: Past, Present and Future. Presentation to Glacier Park Associates, Central School Museum, Kalispell, MT, Feb. 27, 2006.

Fagre, D., G. Pederson, B. Reardon, K. Holzer, and L. McKeon. Climate Change in the Northern Rockies. USGS-Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center All Hands Meeting and Science Review, Hilton Garden Inn, Bozeman, MT, Feb. 8, 2006.

Graumlich, L.J., S.T. Gray, G.T. Pederson, and D.B. Fagre. 2006. Climate change and ecosystem services: defining the modern currency of Quaternary science. Session: Looking Forward From the Past: Quaternary Sciences and Environmental Forecasting. 36th AMQUA Biennial Meeting, Bozeman, MT. August 18-20, 2006.

Gray, S. T., G. T. Pederson, G. T. Betancourt, D. B. Fagre, and L. J. Graumlich. 2006. New approaches for isolating the climate/growth signal of millennial Pinus chronologies from the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA, 2005 Meeting of the Association of American Geographer, Chicago, IL, March 7-11, 2005.

Harper, J., Fagre, D., and B. Reardon. 2006. The role of ice movement in the response of glaciers to climate change: a focus on Sperry Glacier, Glacier National Park. [poster] Waterton-Glacier Science and History Day, Waterton Lakes, Alberta, July 27, 2006.

Holzer, Karen. 2005. GLORIA in North America, an Alpine Ecology Monitoring Network [poster], Ecological Society of America meeting, Memphis TN, Aug. 2006.

Pederson, G.T., L.J. Graumlich, T. Kipfer, C. J. Caruso, AND D.B. Fagre. 2006. 20TH Century Temperature Data Indicate That The “Last Best Place” Is Heating Up. MTNCLIM 2006 conference, Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, OR. September 19-22, 2006.

Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, D.B. Fagre, L.J. Graumlich. 2006. Climate Change, Glaciers, Water and the West: Lessons from the Past and Relevance to Today’s Ecosystem Services. February 22th 2006, Moonlight Basin Ski Resort., Big Sky, MT.

Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, D.B. Fagre, L.J. Graumlich. 2006. Climate Change, Glaciers, Water and the West: Lessons from the Past and Relevance to Today’s Ecosystem Services. January 24, 2006, Montana Natural Resource Professionals, Bozeman, MT.

Pederson, GT. 2007. Climate Driven Changes in Glaciers, Treeline, and Wildland Fire in Wyoming and Montana. Teton Science School – Wildlife and Climate Change Science Symposium. November 30th, 2006.

Pederson, GT. 2006. Climate Change Impacts in Western Montana. Vote brought before the Bozeman City Commission to sign “The Mayors Climate Agreement”. November 27, 2006.

Pederson, GT. 2006. Wilderness and Climate Change Impacts in Montana. Montana Wilderness Association. November 8, 2006.

Reardon, BA, DB Fagre, GT Pederson, and CJ Caruso 2006. Climate influences on, and interannual variability of, natural avalanches in three avalanche paths in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA [poster]. MTNCLIM 2006 conference, Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood, OR. September 19-22, 2006.

Reardon, B.A., D.B. Fagre, M. Dundas, and C. Lundy. 2006. Glide Crack Formation and Glide Slab Avalanches, Glacier National Park, U.S.A.: A Unique Hazard and Forecasting Challenge. International Snow Science Workshop, Telluride, CO. Oct. 1-6, 2006.

Reardon, B. A. Glacier Studies in Glacier NP. Joint Glacier NP resources & USGS brown bag seminar, West Glacier, MT. June 13, 2006, West Glacier, Montana.

Reardon, B. A. and M. D. Dundas, 2006. Going-to-the-Sun Road Spring Avalanche Training. May 1-2, 2006. Glacier National Park, West Glacier, MT.

Watson, E., G.T. Pederson, B. Luckman, and D. B. Fagre. 2006. Evaluating the potential for snowpack reconstruction in interior British Columbia and the Northern U.S. Rockies using Larix Lyallii (Subalpine Larch). [Poster]. MTNCLIM 2006 conference, Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, OR. September 19-22, 2006.