BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Peru Local time: 05:35 PM

Trade Events and Shows in Peru

The U.S. Commercial Service in Lima, Peru will promote U.S. firms and goods by carrying-out catalog exhibitions during the most important tradeshows within the Andean region.

Trade Events and Shows in Peru

  • Trade Events Participating with a U.S. Pavilion in the major international trade shows held in Peru with access to thousands of buyers. One-on-one matching at the show with potential buyers are arranged by the CS industry specialists helping in the generation of sales and long-term business relationships at these high-volume shows.
  • Catalog Exhibitions Promoting U.S. products and services through catalogs, literature, videos, and small samples. The U.S. Commercial Service in Lima participates with a stand in the most important Peruvian trade events. CS industry specialists will promote U.S. products and services at the event. After the event is over, the exhibition will continue at the CS Business Center. This is a low-cost way to promote your products, without leaving home. The Commercial Service will do the legwork and send the leads.
  • Educational Seminars Through local partnerships with the Peruvian chambers of commerce, industry associations and schools, the CS in Lima schedules educational seminars during the year. These seminars are meant to be the first step to inform about your products and services. Many people find they will gain enough information at the seminar to successfully sell your goods or services.
  Date Location
 Peru Moda 09 April 22 -24, 2009 Lima
 Envase/Alimentek Peru 2009 May 14 - 16, 2009  Lima 
 Feria Industrial de las Americas  2009    May 21 - 23, 2009 Lima 
 Expoalimentaria Peru 2009 May 27 - 29, 2009 Lima
 International Fair for Capital Goods - FIBCA 2009   May 38 - 30, 2009 Lima
 Expomina Peru 2009 June 17 - 19, 2009 Lima
 Extemin 2009 September 14 - 18, 2009       Arequipa
 Expo Pesca 2009 November 12 - 14, 2009 Lima
 Excon 2009 October 06 - 11, 2009 Lima
 Figas 2010 August 19 - 21, 2010 Lima