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Welcome to the Centers for Financial Education

There has never been a greater need for financial literacy

Upcoming Classes

Classes are available to help build financial skills. Select your region to register for upcoming classes in your area.

Start Your Bankruptcy Education Course Online.

Bankruptcy Courses Available at Select Locations and by Telephone
Your Presentation

We offer presentations in the states where we have local offices. To request a presentation select the link below:

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Volunteer Programs

We train individuals from non-profit corporations, community organizations, and churches who teach members of their community practical skills for personal financial planning and credit management.

Financial Resources

Articles and Press Releases

Website Resources
Did You Know?
  • Christmas: make postcards from Christmas cards. Use them as thank you notes. The post office requirements are a minimum card size of 3 1/2 inches by 5 inches. Maximum of 4 1/4 by 6 inches. You also save 12 cents on postage.
Volunteer Programs

Credit card debt in America is an estimated $2.16 trillion. Over 2 million families filed for personal bankruptcy last year. Employees' financial worries cost employers countless dollars each year. Approximately 90% of Americans have never received any financial training. With personal debt soaring and personal savings decreasing, it's no wonder so many individuals find themselves in difficult financial situations. That's exactly why we are here.

The primary focus of the Centers for Financial Education (Centers), a division of Money Management International and its Consumer Credit Counseling Service Agencies, is to educate consumers. We believe that financial and credit education is the answer to many of the problems consumers face today. The Centers have made it their goal to provide a variety of educational services designed to help individuals everywhere take control of their financial situation and gain the peace of mind that comes from improved spending habits, increased savings, and the wise use of credit.

**Approved to issue certificates in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of the Agency's services. EOUST regulations do not apply to residents of NC or AL. Approved to issue certificates evidencing completion of a financial management instructional course in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of a Provider's services.