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Electric - Qualifying Facilities
    How to Obtain QF Status for Your Facility

    An owner or operator of a generating facility may obtain QF status by either submitting a self-certification or applying for and obtaining a Commission certification of QF status. The choice of whether to certify a facility through a self-certification or Commission certification is up to the applicant. In some instances, negotiations with a lender or utility purchaser may proceed more smoothly if the facility has been certified by the Commission.

    A completed Form No. 556 [DOC] | [RTF] must be submitted with each self-certification or application for Commission certification of QF status.

    When an applicant files a self-certification or application for Commission certification of QF status, it must at the same time provide a copy of the filing to the utilities with which the facility will transact, as well as to the Public Utility Commissions External Link of the states in which those utilities and the facility reside.

    There are two methods of making QF filings:

    • Hardcopy Filing & Forms (available for any QF filing); or
    • eFiling (electronic filing available as an alternative to hardcopy filing only for self-certification).

    To file a hardcopy of your self-certification or application for Commission certification, make sure the filing is completed and signed, and send the filing (including original and 14 copies of the Form No. 556) to the Secretary at the address listed in the Hardcopy Filing & Forms page of the FERC website.

    Applicants for self-certification are encouraged to submit their filings electronically via the Commission's eFiling process, but may alternatively file in hardcopy. At this time, all applications for Commission certification must be filed in hardcopy. To file an electronic copy of your self-certification, make sure the filing is completed and signed (see information on electronic signatures in the Completing the Form No. 556 page), and follow the instructions for submitting your filing from the eFiling page.

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  Qualifying Facilities



  • » Form No. 556 [DOC] | [RTF]

  Contact Information

Paul Singh
Telephone: 202-502-8576

S.L. Higginbottom
Telephone: 202-502-8561

Updated: June 7, 2006