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last update: September 2002 

                           (Cite as: 58 FR 46628)


                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                               (Docket 47-93)

 Foreign-Trade Zone 158--Jackson, MS; Application for Subzone Status Peavey
 Electronics Corporation Facilities (Electronic Audio/Acoustical Products)
                        Meridian, Mississippi, Area

                        Thursday, September 2, 1993

An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the 
Board) by the Vicksburg/Jackson Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., grantee of FTZ 
158, requesting special-purpose subzone status for the electronic audio and 
acoustical products manufacturing facilities of the Peavey Electronics 
Corporation (PEC), located in the Meridian, Mississippi, area. The 
application was submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign-Trade 
Zones Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), and the regulations of the Board 
(15 CFR part 400). It was formally filed on August 19, 1993.

The proposed subzone would consist of PEC's nine manufacturing/warehousing
facilities in the Meridian area, some 80 miles east of Jackson: Site 1 (2
acres)--engineering/manufacturing facility, 611 10th Avenue, Meridian
(Lauderdale County), Mississippi; Site 2 (2 acres)--manufacturing and
research facility, 14th Avenue and 20th Street, Meridian; Site 3 (19
acres)-- manufacturing plant, 710 A Street, Meridian; Site 4 (7
acres)--manufacturing plant, State Highway 80 West in Morton (Scott
County), Mississippi; Site 5 (4 acres)--warehouse, 200 Bonita Drive,
Meridian; Site 6 (9 acres)-- warehouse/repair facility, 326 State Highway
11 and 80, Meridian; Site 7 (38 acres)--manufacturing plant, Route 2 and
State Highway 503, Decatur (Newton County), Mississippi, approximately 20
miles west of Meridian; Site 8 (45 acres)--two manufacturing plants and a
distribution facility within the Northeast Industrial Park located six
miles east of Meridian; and, Site 9 (1 acre)--manufacturing plant, 416 18th
Avenue in Meridian. The facilities (1,955 employees) are used to produce a
variety of electronic hi-fidelity audio and acoustical products for the
U.S. market and export, including amplifiers, loudspeakers, musical
instrument processors, mixers, microphones, musical instruments (guitars,
keyboards), public address systems, lighting equipment, and related
accessories. Components and materials purchased from abroad include:
loudspeaker parts, diodes, capacitors, resistors, electric motors, musical
instrument parts, and wiring harnesses (duty rate range: Free--6.6%).
Zone procedures would exempt PEC from Customs duty payments on the foreign
components used in export production. On its domestic sales, PEC would be
able to choose the duty rates that apply to finished electronic audio and
acoustical products (5% average rate) for the foreign components noted
above. The application indicates that the savings from zone procedures
would help improve the company's international competitiveness.
In accordance with the Board's regulations, a member of the FTZ Staff has
been appointed examiner to investigate the application and report to the

Public comment on the application is invited from interested parties.
Submissions (original and three copies) shall be addressed to the Board's
Executive Secretary at the address below. The closing period for their
receipt is November 1, 1993. Rebuttal comments in response to material
submitted during the foregoing period may be submitted during the
subsequent 15-day period (to November 16, 1993).

A copy of the application and the accompanying exhibits will be available
for public inspection at each of the following locations:
U.S. Department of Commerce District Office, 
310 Millsaps Building, 
201 W. Capitol Street, Jackson, MS 39201

Office of the Executive Secretary, 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, 
U.S. Department of Commerce, room 3716,
14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW., 
Washington, DC 20230

Dated: August 23, 1993.

John J. Da Ponte, Jr.,

Executive Secretary.

(FR Doc. 93-21427 Filed 9-1-93; 8:45 am)