International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
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Disaster management
Myanmar - Cyclone Nargis
Myanmar: Cyclone Nargis (Photo REUTERS AlertNet)

More than 130,000 people were killed or went missing after Cyclone Nargis devastated Myanmar on 2 May 2008. The Red Cross Red Crescent reached more than one million people with relief assistance.

About 20% of the worst affected families (100,000 families) still living in very basic temporary structures, as between 500,000 and 800,000 houses were totally or partially destroyed by Cyclone Nargis. Many houses have been rebuilt, with assistance from the Red Cross Red Crescent, the local authorities and other agencies.

The Red Cross Red Crescent will continue to assist upto 100,000 families with shelter, livelihoods support, community-based health and first aid, psychosocial support, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion and disaster preparedness.

Photo galleries
Myanmar - Cyclone Nargis, one year on - April 2009
Myanmar - Cyclone Nargis, six months later, October 2008
Myanmar - Cyclone Nargis, September 2008
Myanmar - delta region, cyclone “Nargis”, May 2008
Myanmar, cyclone “Nargis”, May 2008
Myanmar, cyclone “Nargis”, May 2008
Press releases
30 April 2009
Cyclone Nargis one year on: Enormous challenges to recovery remain
31 October 2008
Cyclone Nargis: Major milestones reached, but more humanitarian work still to be done
9 July 2008
Red Cross Red Crescent launches revised emergency appeal
19 May 2008
Red Cross Red Crescent aid for cyclone survivors increases dramatically
16 May 2008
Red Cross Red Crescent launches 50 million Swiss franc emergency appeal
14 May 2008
Forecast heavy rain "worst scenario imaginable," says Red Cross Red Crescent
13 May 2008
Senior Red Cross Red Crescent aid worker returns from devastated delta
12 May 2008
Red Cross Red Crescent establishes relief pipeline into Myanmar
9 May 2008
Red Cross Red Crescent relief operation continues as more aid arrives in Yangon
9 May 2008
First Red Cross Red Crescent relief flight arrives
8 May 2008
World Red Cross Red Crescent Day: honouring the thousands of volunteers helping survivors in Myanmar
6 May 2008
Thousands of Red Cross volunteers on the ground as International Federation launches emergency appeal
5 May 2008
Red Cross distributes relief items after deadly cyclone devastates delta region
More International Federation press releases
Operation updates and appeals
5 May 2009
Operations update no.25 - One year report
8 July 2008
Second revised emergency appeal (MDRMM002)
16 May 2008
Revised emergency appeal (MDRMM002)
16 May 2008
Donor response
6 May 2008
Emergency appeal no.MDRMM002
5 May 2008
DREF bulletin
Video: Cyclone Nargis - one year on
Other related videos available:
Documentary: Cyclone Nargis recovery
(April 2009)
Assisting communities affected by cyclone Nargis (October 2008)
Related video: Red Cross Red Crescent response to cyclone Nargis (May 2008)
Other International Federation videos
Facts and figures
Facts and figures as of 30 April 2009
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Strength and resilience shine in Myanmar
Daw Dhein is in her late seventies, yet she remains strong in the face of an uncertain recovery from the ravages of Cyclone Nargis. As she stands beside the river in her village of Pan Phu Myit Tan, her focus is now on her grandson, Min Aung Thu.
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Myint Myint Khine and her three children greet Chit Oo who on 3 May 2008 saved their lives as Cyclone Nargis devastated the Ayeyarwaddy Delta in Myanmar. (Photo: Jason Smith/IFRC)30 April 2009
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When one joins an international movement, such as the Red Cross Red Crescent, one hopes to meet and work alongside inspirational people whose humanitarian actions demonstrate the power of selflessness. This was certainly true for me and, deep in the heart of Myanmar’s Ayeyarwaddy delta, I met someone who did just that.
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Opinon pieces and speeches
(p13124)23 May 2008 - Opinion piece
Myanmar: twenty-one nights
With the Myanmar government indicating it may allow aid workers into the country, the task of reaching Burma's remoter regions becomes even more pressing. Every night, the dire situation facing hundreds of thousands of cyclone survivors grows more and more desperate. Solutions tailored to Myanmar just have to be found.
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25 May 2008 - Speech
Myanmar and cyclone Nargis
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