Limited Official Use

The Master File Disaster Recovery Exercise Was Completed, but Significant Vulnerabilities Should Be Addressed


March 2004


Reference Number:  2004-20-053



The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has designated this audit report as Limited Official Use (LOU) pursuant to Treasury Directive TD P-71-10, Chapter III, Section 2, “Limited Official Use Information and Other Legends” of the Department of Treasury Security Manual.  Because this document has been designated LOU, it may only be made available to those officials who have a need to know the information contained within this report in the performance of their official duties.  This report must be safeguarded and protected from unauthorized disclosure; therefore, all requests for disclosure of this report must be referred to the Disclosure Section within the TIGTA’s Office of Chief Counsel.


Appendix II


Major Contributors to This Report


Margaret E. Begg, Assistant Inspector General for Audit (Information Systems Programs)

Gary Hinkle, Director

Danny Verneuille, Audit Manager

Mark Carder, Acting Audit Manager

Frank Greene, Senior Auditor

Wallace Sims, Senior Auditor

Tina Wong, Senior Auditor

Kim McManis, Auditor




Limited Official Use