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Seeing The States


Map of the United States

Although the United States is a relatively young country, it still manages to have a fascinating history and a culture which sets it apart from all other nations.  Look around!  Just in this one country there are fifty states, each with their own history, natural resources, landmarks, and people!  Today you are going to learn about the United States as you take on the role of a vacation planner.  Make sure to take in any information you can while you're busy "Seeing the States!"

The Task:

Haven't you always wanted to plan your own summer vacation?  If you could go anywhere in the U.S., where would you jet off to?  Hawaii?  New York?  Alaska?  With so many states to choose from, you'll need to learn a little about what makes each one special.  Unfortunately your U.S. travel guide seems to be missing some information about the states.  Luckily each state has been given the opportunity to display their own unique heritage on a quarter, whose designs will help you make sense of your travel guide.

Quarter Obverse

Your task in "Seeing the States" is to explore the collection of coins from the United States Mint 50 State Quarters® Program.  You will use these coins and additional resources to complete your U.S. travel guide, explore the beauty of each state, and then plan a vacation to the state that intrigues you the most.

The Process:

  1. Take on the role of a vacation planner, and take a close look at the coin reverses that have already been developed as a part of the 50 State Quarters Program.
  2. Open your travel planning documents and print off the three files for your use.
Plinky the Mint Pig looking at a map
  1. Explore the resources listed below, as well as those available in your classroom, to find and record the answers for each of your Travel Guide questions.  With your teacher or parent's permission, add any Internet resources that you think might be valuable for your research (your teacher may have some suggestions regarding valuable sites).
  2. Visit the Coin News section of the United States Mint H.I.P. Pocket Change Web site and click on the link to "The 50 State Quarters Program" under "The Coins Are Coming."  Click on the Travel Guide Quiz icon and select the correct answer for each question.
  3. Print and save the printed copy of your "Travel Guide Results" page.
  4. Select and research a state whose quarter design interests you, and use classroom resources to explore other points of interest available in that state.
  5. Complete the Travel Brochure for your selected state, filling in the missing information for each section and adding illustrations to each empty box.
  6. Design the front of your "Wish You Were Here" postcard to tell a classmate about an interesting place to visit while vacationing in your selected state.  On the back of your postcard, write a note to your friend about your visit to this state (these can be sent through the CPS—Classroom Postal Service).


Use the resources below to conduct your search.

Peter the Mint Eagle using the computer
This link contains information to help you select a fun state to visit.  You may find the "50 State Quarters® Program" section under the "Coin News" area to be of particular help.  Don't forget to check out the State Quarter Day pages for additional information.
This link contains additional information about the 50 State Quarters Program and the state designs.  Explore "Mint Programs" and the "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)" to find what you're looking for!

Learning Advice

So that you do not have to repeat your research for each portion of this project, be sure to review all of your travel planning documents before you begin.  While conducting your research, make sure that you keep track of each resource you use, and its value.  This will be of great importance in case you need to revisit any information throughout the duration of this Webquest.


You now have a better understanding of some of the features that make this country so special.  You have explored the designs that each state has selected to represent their history and beauty.  The next time you get a handful of change, maybe you'll look more closely at the design on your quarter's reverse.  It could be of real help when planning your next vacation!

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