Mercy Corps Northwest helps low-income individuals in Oregon and Washington to improve their lives through small business and self-employment.

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Turning Ideas into Reality with the IDA Program

“Mercy Corps Northwest helped me turn a hobby into a successful crafting business. Through its IDA program, I had the opportunity to save money, learn about running a business, and ultimately make more money to support my family. By the time I finished the class, my sales had doubled. A resource like MCNW is essential for the creative people in Portland who want to make their ideas a reality.”

—Corinna Buchholz, owner of piddix LLC

Mercy Corps Northwest

Corinna Buchholz, owner of piddix LLC

At first, collecting digital images for collage was just a hobby for Portlander Corrina Buchholz. Now, using what she learned from Mercy Corps Northwest’s business development programs, Buchholz is moving her crafting business, piddix LLC, into a fulltime enterprise.

Buchholz had been making and selling crafts for several years before she signed up for Mercy Corps Northwest’s Individual Development Account (IDA) program. In the program, Buchholz attended a six-week financial literacy and business fundamentals workshop and opened a matched savings account. For every $1 she saved toward her business, the account matched with $3 from the State of Oregon.
“One of the big reasons for doing the program was definitely for the funding,” Buchholz says, “but the idea of going to a structured business class was also important. I wanted to learn about growth—how to grow and expand a business.”

Buchholz was pleasantly surprised to find that the classes went beyond the basics, and gave her in-depth, practical information. “I learned an incredible amount,” she says. “The instructors all had real-life experience and a business expertise, for example in finances or business development. I came away with a concrete plan for how to sustain and grow my digital image business.” 

Even before the class ended, Buchholz put her new knowledge to work and her business, based online at, started to take off. “My sales had doubled by the time I finished the class,” Buchholz says. “And ever since they have been steadily going up.”

Piddix LLC became so successful that Buchholz and her husband were able to cut back their jobs outside the home to part-time and spend more time with their 2-year-old son. Piddix now supplies a major part of their income and gives them the work-life balance that they’ve always wanted.
Now, after two years of trial and error with her new business, Buchholz is working toward making piddix a full-time enterprise. Grateful for all the help she’s received to get where she is today, Buchholz makes an effort to share her business knowledge with other entrepreneurs by writing how-to guides and tips on and by telling her Portland network about Mercy Corps Northwest.

“Portland is a city that has a lot of creative people and people starting small businesses,” she says. “Having a resource like MCNW is essential for people who want to make their ideas into a reality.” She thinks MCNW’s move to downtown Portland will make a big difference to local entrepreneurs. “Its prominent downtown location will showcase the support MCNW offers to small businesses, especially minority- and women-owned small businesses, and make them more accessible.”


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Explore Our New Web-based Resources
for the Small Business Community

Mercy Corps Northwest

  • Discussion Forum and Knowlege Base: Ask questions, share your advice and discuss business issues with other business owners and our Community Experts.
  • The Entrepreneur Center: A great resource that combines excellent information on starting a business, local Portland area resources and an outstanding collection of links to business support sites on the web.
  • Listings of Small Business Support Organizations in the Portland area.

Find these new resources at the Portland Small Business Community homepage.

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May 2009 Seminars


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Foundations Business Class

Our next open business foundations class will start on Thursday May 21, 2009. You can sign up using our
Enrollment Form (Word doc) or Enrollment Form (pdf)

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