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Statement: April 19, 2007 Print this page
Docket Nos. ER06-615-001 et al.

Commissioner Moeller's statement on California Independent System Operator Corporation

"I am pleased to vote for the rehearing order on the California ISO's market redesign proposal or MRTU. On rehearing, we uphold most of the decisions we made in the September 2006 MRTU order. Our emphasis has not changed, that is, ensuring sufficient resources, fixing flawed market rules, increasing price transparency, improving transmission congestion management, enhancing market power mitigation and streamlining the ISO's daily operations to redesign a market so that it provides adequate, affordable and reliable supplies of energy for consumers in the West.

This lengthy order shows that the Commission and its staff have made a concerted effort to address the issues raised by the interested parties (public power, state and federal governmental entities, IOUs, generators, industrial customers and others) in order to enhance the California ISO's market. I know that we have received many compliance filings and several more are to come that will move us to a better market design in California and help benefit other parts of the Western region too.

I supported the Commission's decision to hold the technical conference in Arizona in December of last year. I found that conference to be an excellent use of time because the Commissioners and the interested parties engaged in an informative dialogue. In summarizing the post-technical conference comments, today's order reinforces what the Commissioners heard in Arizona: there are no operational issues that need to be addressed prior to the start up of MRTU. We acknowledge that there are seams issues in the West that have been in existence prior to MRTU, but continue to find that these should not delay the improvements that MRTU will bring to the region. I agree with today's order that encourages collaborative efforts among stakeholders to mitigate or resolve seams issues."

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Commissioner Philip D. Moeller
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Updated: April 19, 2007