Import Administration
FTZ Staff Contact Information
last update: September 2002 


                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

    			Foreign-Trade Zones Board

                              (Order No. 661)

  Global Power Co., (Nuclear Power Plant Equipment), Hartsville and Phipps
         TN; Time Extension of Subzone Status, Subzones 78C and 78D

                        Wednesday, November 3, 1993

Pursuant to the authority granted in the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18,
1934, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the 
Board) adopts the following Resolution and Order.

After consideration of the request of the Metropolitan Nashville Port
Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 78, filed with the Foreign
-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board (the Board) on August 5, 1993, requesting an 
extension of the time limits (to 10/25/98) on Subzones 78C and 78D at the 
Global Power Company's nuclear equipment storage facilities in Hartsville 
and Phipps Bend, Tennessee, the Board, finding that the requirements of the 
Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as amended, and the Board's regulations are 
satisfied, and that the proposal is in the public interest, approves the 
request. Approval is subject to the FTZ Act and the FTZ Board's regulations,
including section 400.28.

Signed at Washington, DC, this 21st day of October, 1993, pursuant to Order
of the Board.

Joseph A. Spetrini,

Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Chairman,
Committee of Alternates 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board.


John J. Da Ponte, Jr.,

Executive Secretary.
(FR Doc. 93-27030 Filed 11-2-93; 8:45 am)