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Mineral and geoenvironmental modeling, assessment methodologies, and related studies of industrial minerals and surficial processes

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Project summary:

The value of industrial mineral production in the United States is more than twice that of metals. These commodities play key roles in infrastructure development and maintenance, agriculture, and environmental problem mitigation. In addition, many land management agencies have increasing need for better geologic and minerals data on industrial minerals. This project investigates the relationship between the geologic, economic, and environment-related characteristics of priority industrial mineral commodities and deposit types. Specific activities include: coordination and communication between industrial minerals activities; assessment methodology development; model development; basic geologic, economic, and environmental studies; and cross-regional outreach activities. Most of the activities of the project address specific geologic and (or) environmental concerns identified by diverse clients (both internal and external) or by the Industrial Minerals Workshop in July, 1997. All of the work in this project has applications or implications for the study of industrial minerals at a National level.

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