Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Checklist of Amphibian Species and Identification Guide

An Online Guide for the Identification of Amphibians in North America north of Mexico

Other Identification Resources Available Online

Tadpoles of the United States and Canada: A Tutorial and Key
A key for the tadpoles of the United States and Canada features a different format and approach to identifying frog larvae. More details of ontogenetic variation are included than in many keys, and more attention is paid to using characteristics of living tadpoles. A tutorial examines morphological traits, and color photographs are included to simplify the identification process.

US Amphibians Distribution Maps
Welcome to the Status and Conservation of US Amphibians distribution maps website. These maps represent documented and assumed distributions from museum records, data published in the primary literature, state/regional field guides, or as submitted from state/regional experts. These distributions represent records of occurrence. Data documenting declines, extirpations, and extinctions have not yet been incorporated.

Key to the Amphibians of Canada
A key is a guide to identifying an organism based on the characteristics which distinguish it from related organisms. A key is most useful when you have the animal in hand, but it is sometimes possible to "key out" an animal based on a photograph or detailed description. As you become more familiar with the amphibians of Canada, you will get better at describing the animals you see and it will become easier to use the key.

Key to the Reptiles of Canada
A key is a guide to identifying an organism based on the characteristics which distinguish it from related organisms. A key is most useful when you have the animal in hand, but it is sometimes possible to "key out" an animal based on a photograph or detailed description. As you become more familiar with the reptiles of Canada, you will get better at describing the animals you see and it will become easier to use the key.

Amphibians of Alberta
Within Alberta there are 10 species of amphibians: two salamanders and eight frogs and toads. The frogs and toads can be subdivided into true toads (three species), spadefoots (one species), tree frogs (one species), and true frogs (three species). Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.

Reptiles and Amphibians of Arizona
A site for field herpetology in Arizona.

Frogs and Toads of British Columbia
Species accounts with range maps identification keys. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, B.C.

A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Coastal Southern California
The highly developed and urbanized area of coastal Southern California is host to one of the richest herpetofaunas in the United States and includes several species with State and Federal protected status. Over the past few years, we have been conducting an intensive study of the autecology of herptile communities in the region and saw the pressing need for a well-illustrated field guide to help train students, researchers, reserve managers, regulators, and others to identify the local herpetofauna, with emphasis on sensitive species. Western Ecological Research Center, USGS.

Herpetofauna of the Comanche National Grasslands, Colorado
Southeastern Colorado is a sparsely inhabited region roughly 145 miles by 135 miles (nearly 20,000 square miles). Much of this area is plains grassland habitat (short-grass prairie) which supports a large number of terrestrial species, and amphibians and reptiles make up an important component of this grassland ecosystem. However, the distribution in Colorado of many species remains incompletely known due to the large area encompassed and a relative paucity of extensive, long-term inventory studies conducted. In addition, many areas have experienced and are currently experiencing extensive changes of the native grassland prairie, and much of this change is directly attributable to human activity. As human impact is likely to increase in the near future, a more complete inventory of the herpetofauna becomes more important to document the current range of the many species found in this part of Colorado before they become uncommon or are extirpated. This is a report of activities conducted in 1995-1997 which were funded in part (1996-1997) by the USDA-Forest Service. Activities reported here are directly associated with a larger survey of the herpetofauna of southeastern Colorado funded by the Colorado Division of Wildlife and the Great Outdoors Colorado program.

Checklist of Florida Amphibians and Reptiles
The species are listed alphabetically by scientific name, first by genus, then by species and subspecies.Exotic (non-native) species which have been introduced (escaped or were released) and now have breeding populations in Florida are noted. The frequency with which introductions are occurring makes any list of Florida herps out of date almost as soon as it is compiled. That undoubtedly is the case with the list that follows. Florida Museum of Natural History.

The Frogs and Toads of Georgia
These pages were initiated as a result work done on The Georgia Herp Atlas, a 5 year volunteer effort to catalog all herps in the state which ended July 2001.

Frogs and Toads of Indiana
Photos and species accounts of the anuran amphibians of Indiana.

Snakes of Massachusetts
How to identify snakes in Massachusetts. This page was developed by the University of Massachusetts Extension.

Toads and Frogs of Minnesota
Toads and frogs often conjure up thoughts of wet places- misty swamps and enchanted nights when mysterious calls rise from the water's edge. The 14 species of toads and frogs found in Minnesota are grouped into three families: toads, treefrogs, and true frogs. All species within each family share similar features, but each individual species has its own unique breeding call, survival strategy, and environmental niche. By learning more about these amphibians, their habitats, and their survival methods, Minnesotans can better appreciate why we need to conserve the wetlands, grasslands, and forests where these fascinating animals live. Their presence is an indication that we are doing a good job of preserving wetland habitat and water quality. Conversely, when toads and frogs disappear, it could mean the ecosystems that sustain them are ailing. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Reptiles and Amphibians of Minnesota
This site is designed to introduce you to the herpetology of Minnesota. Here you'll find detailed species accounts of every snake, turtle, lizard, frog, toad and salamander that is found in the state.

Missouri's Amphibians and Reptiles
Missouri has 43 species of amphibians, with an additional five subspecies or geographic races. No amphibians in Missouri are venomous; they are harmless to people. The color and variety of salamanders and the calls of toads and frogs in spring and summer help make our outdoors a fun and lively place to be. Missouri has 63 species of reptiles: 17 different turtles, 11 different lizards and 35 different snakes. Only five snake species are venomous to people; most are shy and normally avoid people. Missouri Dept. of Conservation.

Survey of Amphibians at Selected Sites in Nebraska
During 1997, collections of larval amphibians were made at 130 sites in Nebraska. Collections were made during 1 June - 16 July, so as to replicate earlier samples taken by John D. Lynch in 1971-75. The same sites that Lynch surveyed were sampled in the recent survey, unless they were no longer present or accessible, in which case a replacement site within 1.6 km was sought. The overall objective of the study is to test the hypothesis that amphibian populations have declined in Nebraska. Results reported here indicate the species found in each county where collections were made. This study was supported in part by the Grasslands Ecosystem Initiative, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey-Biological Resources Division, Jamestown, North Dakota.

Frogs of New Hampshire
N.H. Department of Environmental Services, Watershed Management Bureau Biomonitoring Program.

Amphibians and Reptiles of Long Island, Staten Island and Manhattan (New York)
This web page is a key for identifying the reptiles and amphibians found on Long Island (L.I.), Staten Island (S.I.) and Manhattan. It is important to note that Manhattan now hosts only 4-5 species (Bullfrogs, Snapping turtles, Painted turtles, Red Eared Sliders, and possibly Spring Peepers). Thus, this web page focuses primarily on Long Island and Staten Island, both of which still have a substantial number of species. This key does not include the neighboring mainland U.S areas (New Jersey, Connecticut, or the rest of New York).

Reptiles and Amphibians of North Dakota
This guide to reptiles and amphibians of North Dakota is the work of Grand Forks teachers Ted Hoberg and Cully Gause. It is designed to give the curious reader a tool to identify some of the least understood of North Dakota's wildlife species. This resource is based on the following article: Hoberg, T. and C. Gause 1992. Reptiles and amphibians of North Dakota. North Dakota Outdoors 55(1):7-19.

Key to the Reptiles and Amphibians of North Dakota
This identification key is based on a July 1992 North Dakota Outdoors article written by Cully Gause and Ted Hoberg (see preceding link).

Reptiles and Amphibians Southwestern North Dakota
Distribution maps based on a study of representative terrestrial vertebrates in the portion of the Missouri Slope south and west of the Missouri River, and McLean County, in North Dakota was undertaken in the summers of 1976 and 1977. Data were tabulated relative to species occurrence and abundance by major habitat type and geographic area. Data were collected from population sampling, existing literature, and unpublished reports and interviews. This resource is based on the following: Seabloom, R.W., R.D. Crawford & M.G. McKenna 1978. Vertebrates of southwestern North Dakota: Amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Institute for Ecological Studies, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202. 549pp.

South Carolina Reptiles and Amphibians
Welcome to our site of information on reptiles and amphibians indigenous to South Carolina. Our goal for the site is to post pictures of every species of reptile and amphibian which has established wild populations within South Carolina. We also try to display pictures emphasizing characteristics useful in identification. Another goal for this site is to provide anecdotal information from our encounters with the species.

Herps of Texas
This project is funded by the University of Texas College of Natural Sciences and the Texas Memorial Museum.

Wisconsin Herpetological Atlas Project
The Wisconsin Herpetological Atlas Project (Herp Atlas) tracks the distributions of amphibians and reptiles in Wisconsin. The Herp Atlas was initiated in 1986 by the Vertebrate Zoology Section of the Milwaukee Public Museum, with the cooperative support of the Natural Heritage Inventory Program (Bureau of Endangered Resources, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; and the Nature Conservancy, Wisconsin Chapter). The Herp Atlas is producing a computerized database of amphibian and reptile distribution, based on records obtained from museum collections, field surveys, literature, and field notes provided by volunteer observers throughout the state.

CalPhotos Digital Library Project - Amphibians
Over 1000 photographs of amphibians in the CalPhotos collection, most of which are freely available for non-profit use without prior permission. University of California, Berkeley.

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Anura: Frogs and Toads - by Family / by Species
Caudata: Salamanders - by Family / by Species
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