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United States of America

Department of Commerce

Commerce Seal montage illustrating the work Commerce does
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E-Commerce Highlights

 Image - Commerce is E-Gov
The Department of Commerce has actively pursued the use of the Internet for conducting business online. Not only do we provide information that is helpful and informative, but we also offer the opportunity to apply for fishing permits, export licenses, patents and trademarks, and to complete survey forms.

Buy Products

  • Order products online from National Technical Information Service (NTIS), our nation's largest central resource for scientific, technical, engineering, and related business information materials from the federal government. Information from over 200 federal agencies is available.
  • Buy Census Bureau products online; register for training courses and seminars using a credit card.

Image - NOAA National Data Centers OnlineCome to the NOAA National Data Centers Online Store of archived environmental data - an online store offering data products from the National Climatic Data Center, National Geophysical Data Center and the National Oceanographic Data Center.


Get Information

  • NOAA’s EstuaryLive  is a live, interactive, field-based education experience produced each year to provide students with the opportunity to tour the nation’s estuaries. The program is developed primarily for a K–12 audience, with an emphasis on middle and high school classrooms. The field trips offered throughout the two-day exploration allow teachers to bring estuarine and coastal environment into the classroom.

  • NIST Data Gateway and Scientific Databases -The NIST Data Gateway and other NIST database Web sites provide easy access to NIST scientific and technical data, covering a broad range of substances and properties from many different scientific disciplines. Included are links to selected free online NIST databases and information on NIST databases available for purchase. 

  • MapStats, brought to you by the Census Bureau, allows you to search across federal agencies for detailed demographic and business data by geographic area.Get Census Bureau demographic and economic data from the 1990 and 2000 Decennial Censuses, the latest Economic Census, and the American Community Survey with the American FactFinder.

Stat- U.S.A Come to Stat-USA for a one-stop source for electronic information on international trade data, and business and economic information from over 40 federal agencies, brought to you by the Economics and Statistics Administration.


  • Access ocean spatial data with Data Explorer. This query-driven portal makes National Ocean Service spatial data available with just a few mouse clicks.

  • Need wholesale fish and shell fish prices? Check Fishery Market News, a joint federal/industry site for current and historic price trends.

Logo of BEAGet fingertip access to economic indicators online, and quick links to reported estimates, and see the full breadth of Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) data via BEA Interactive.

  • NOAA's Aviation Weather Center enables airline dispatchers to file in-air pilot reports on a secure Web site. Real time reports such as icing and turbulence can help improve aviation forecasts and safety.

  • Visit The USPTO advanced Trademark Document Retrieval electronic portal to view, download and print of an array of information and documents for more than 460,000 trademark applications.

Apply, File, Register and more... 

  • OPUS allows users of the global positioning system (GPS), such as professional surveyors, to submit their GPS observations to NOAA via the Internet to obtain 3-dimensional, highly-accurate positioned coordinates.

TEAS LogoThe Trademark Electronic Application System allows you to fill out a form and check it for completeness over the Internet. Using e-TEAS you can then submit the form directly to the USPTO over the Internet, making an official filing on-line. Or using PrinTEAS, you can print out the completed form for mailing to the USPTO. It's your choice!

Logo of Electronic Filing SystemUSPTO Electronic Filing System USPTO's Patent Electronic Filing System is a safe, simple and secure electronic system for submitting patent applications. Application types accepted via EFS-Web include: Design; Provisional; 35 U.S.C. 371 National Stage; PCT; Utility; Reissue; and Reexamination. In addition, EFS-Web accepts papers to existing applications.

  • Applying for an export license is a SNAP with the Simplified Network Application Process (SNAP). U.S. exporters can submit export and re-export license applications, and commodity classification requests free of cost via the Internet in a secure environment. Applicants will receive same day acknowledgments of their submissions and obtain online validations (e.g. electronic facsimile of export license) from the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS).

Logo of Trade Information CenterNAFTA Certificate of Origin - Let our new interactive tool walk you step-by-step through the process of classifying your export product and filing the NAFTA Certificate of Origin. Learn when and for what types of products this form is needed to take advantage of NAFTA trade preferences when exporting to Mexico or Canada.

  • AESDirect is the U.S. Census Bureau's free, Internet based system for filing Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) information to the Automated Export System (AES). It is the electronic alternative to filing a paper SED, and can be used by U.S. Principal Parties in Interest, forwarders, or anyone else responsible for export reporting.

Picture of a tunaVisit the NOAA Fisheries Permit Shop where you can currently buy initial and renewal permits for Atlantic tunas, update permit information, and report recreational landings of bluefin tuna.


  • If you get lost, help is on the way with the Emergency Beacon Registration System that enables you to register your ship, aircraft, and personal emergency beacons on the Web. This National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service application helps NOAA and other agencies to track people in distress.

Census Taker IconFile selected surveys and censuses electronically via the Internet using the Census Taker.


Clock IconNeed the exact time? NIST’s free Internet Time Service is used to automatically set computer clocks and other networked devices to the NIST atomic clock. More than 1.5 billion automated requests for NIST Internet Time are filled each day. This service meets the time-stamping requirements for the many billions of dollars of daily electronic stock transactions on the NASDAQ exchange.

Commerce Services and Information on Federal Web sites

  • provides information on Commerce grant announcements and grant applications. Grant applications are submitted online and transmitted to the appropriate Commerce office for consideration.

  • The E-Rulemaking Initiative enables businesses and individuals to find and review proposed federal rules and regulations on the Internet and comment on their potential effects.  All Commerce-proposed regulations and Federal Register notices are available for review and comment.

  • The Business Gateway Initiative provides businesses with a one-stop resource to easily find all regulatory compliance information and required forms for agencies throughout the federal government.  By extension, links to all Commerce-generated regulatory guidance and forms can be accessed via this valuable Web portal.

  • Geospatial Information One-Stop provides free access to most Commerce geospatial data sets, as well as information on planned future data acquisitions. Don’t pay for geospatial data that have already been collected and purchased by the federal government.

  • - provides weather related information for all Federal recreation sites. NOAA-supported recreational locations are also listed on this site.

  • The E-Authentication Initiative – Tired of remembering the dozens of usernames and passwords to conduct online transactions with various federal agencies? E-Authentication provides individuals and businesses with a single, secure electronic certificate that will allow them to access services and conduct online transactions across the federal government.

  • is a partnership of federal agencies with a shared vision to provide improved, personalized access to government assistance programs. It features Commerce benefit programs for citizens and educates professional benefit advocates about programs that may be approprite for their clients.

  • With you can find trade leads, research overseas markets, or learn how to expand your business sales into foreign markets.  Access the wealth of federal export assistance programs, services, and foreign market information available to U.S. exporters through the U.S. Government’s Export Portal.