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    Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

    Flag of Iraq                Iraq Homepage
              Flag of Iraq

Map of Iraq
Map of Iraq


Official Texts

*Myths/Facts About Iraq

         Iraq Report
*Saddam Hussain's Iraq
*Press Briefing Excerpts:
   --Oil-for-Food Program
   --Presentation on Iraq
*White Paper:
   --WMD Program
*Human Rights
*Religious Freedom
*Global Terrorism

Related Sites
*Near Eastern Affairs
*UN Commission
*UN Iraq Programme
*Department of Defense
*Consular Affairs

"...Saddam Hussein consciously and intentionally chose to subject the Iraqi people to unnecessary hardship. In recent years, he has increasingly sought to manipulate that hardship in an attempt to induce the UN to lift sanctions without compliance.
"This cynical tactic has failed. Instead, the UN has created the Oil-for-Food Program, the largest humanitarian assistance program in the United Nations' history. Oil-for-Food works and is capable of meeting the needs of the Iraqi people.
"We share with the international community the commitment to making Oil-for-Food work better for the benefit of Iraqi civilians. Our expedited contract review process and release of more than a billion dollars in contract holds since March are evidence of that commitment. ...the international community is obligated to work for full Iraqi compliance with all UN Security Council resolutions.
"A story which began in Kuwait 10 years ago today is not over. But we're patient, steadfast in our view that the extraordinary response of the international community will ultimately lead to a secure and prosperous future for all the peoples of the region." [full text]

C. David Welch, International Organization Affairs
David Scheffer, War Crimes Issues

Press Briefing
August 2, 2000

[end of document]

Background | Official Texts | Myths/Facts | Saddam Hussain's Iraq | DPB: Oil-for-Food | DPB: Iraq Presentation | White Paper: WMD Program | Human Rights | Religious Freedom | Global Terrorism | Near Eastern Affairs | Consular Affairs | Department of State | Secretary of State