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projects > empirical studies in support of a pink shrimp, farfantepenaeus duorarum, simulation model for florida bay

Empirical Studies in Support of a Pink Shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum, Simulation Model for Florida Bay

photo of palm trees in a prairie
Project Investigators: Mike Robblee, Clinton D. Hittle

Project Personnel: Andre Daniels, Vin Difrenna, Joel Conlin, George Gallegos, Joan Browder, Maria Criales, Tom Jackson

Project Start Date: 1999 End Date: 2004


A pink shrimp calibrated and verified model is the goal of this project.

Florida Bay lies downstream of the Everglades ecosystem. Perceived deterioration of the Everglades over the last century - and Florida Bay since the mid-1980's - is generally viewed as linked to changes in freshwater flow and water quality associated with water management in South Florida. Concern for the decline of South Florida's natural systems has led to the development of the Federal and State Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). CERP is a science-based restoration plan based on the concept of adaptive assessment, in which models and performance measures of ecological function are used iteratively to design projects, to monitor the effects of their implementation and, when need is indicated, to recommend design refinements.

A pink shrimp simulation model has been identified as a priority need in CERP by the South Florida Water Management District, NOAA, NPS and USGS. This model has been under development by a team of USGS, NOAA and University of Miami researchers since 1999. To date this project has been funded by NOAA's Coastal Oceans Program, DOI's Critical Ecosystem Studies Initiative and by USGS base funds. The purpose of the model is to assist in designing and refining restoration alternatives by predicting their impact on production of pink shrimp in Florida Bay and on shrimp recruitment from Florida Bay to the Tortugas fishery.

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