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Catoctin Mountain Parkvisitor center in snow
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Catoctin Mountain Park
Natural Features & Ecosystems
Nature and Science
(photo by James Voigt)
Big Hunting Creek
There are many unique natural features that can be discovered within the boundaries of Catoctin Mountain Park. Part of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Catoctin supports outstanding examples of fresh water streams, eastern hardwood forest, and geologic formations. Continue further to learn more about the natural features of the park.
Morel mushrooms with a human hand for size comparison.  

Did You Know?
Visitors in Catoctin Mountain Park may gather morel mushrooms for personal consumption. Morels are found in a variety of habitats but generally they seem to be found in wet soil that is high in organic matter and shaded by trees, especially hardwoods. Favorite locations are closely guarded secrets!

Last Updated: July 25, 2006 at 00:29 EST