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FBI Intelligence Analysts are on the frontline of protecting America's national security. They piece together disparate bits of information to form integrated views on issues of national security and public safety. The work of an Intelligence Analyst can include:

  • Protecting America against international threats by working within specifically defined geographical and/or functional areas (e.g., China, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Al Qaeda, etc.).
  • Protecting America against domestic threats by making use of local and national intelligence databases and by reviewing investigative/intelligence reports from FBI Special Agents in the field.
  • Shaping intelligence policy by maintaining extensive liaisons with local, national, and international contacts within the intelligence and law enforcement communities, and using this network to prepare briefings, reports, and communications for senior FBI executives and other Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement entities.

As an FBI Intelligence Analyst, you will make a strong, positive contribution to your nation and community, and see the impact of your work on a daily basis.

The FBI recruits and hires Intelligence Analysts of all experiences, from college seniors to highly experienced professionals. Intelligence Analysts without work experience generally enter the FBI at the GS-7 level with an undergraduate degree, and at the GS-9 level with a graduate degree; experienced hires generally enter at the GS-11 level or above. Intelligence Analysts work at either FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. or in one of the 56 FBI Field Offices across the country. Click on the following links to learn more about becoming an FBI Intelligence Analyst.

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