Great Seal The State Department web site below is a permanent electronic archive of information released prior to January 20, 2001.  Please see for material released since President George W. Bush took office on that date.  This site is not updated so external links may no longer function.  Contact us with any questions about finding information.

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 U.S. Department of State
 Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
Economic Policy 12th APEC Ministerial Meeting | Economic Summits | Economic Sanctions | WTO |

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January 1-19, 2001
01/17/01: Financial Institutions: Foreign Officials Inquiry
01/16/01: White House Statement, Clinton-Gore Administration's Leadership for The New Millennium: a Record of Digital Progress and Prosperity
01/16/01: White House Statement on the Release of the 3rd Annual Report of Electronic Commerce
01/16/01: Leadership for the New Millennium, Delivering on Digital Progress and Prosperity, 3rd Annual Report of Electronic Commerce
01/09/01: OAS Press Release on Development in Latin America and Caribbean
01/03/01: Cutoff of Gas Supply to Georgia
01/03/01: Presidential Proclamation on Trade Relations with Georgia

December 2000
12/20/00: E. Anthony Wayne, Announcement of "Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights", Washington, DC
12/20/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Press Briefing, Washington, DC ("Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights",)
12/20/00: Fact Sheet on "Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights", Washington, DC
12/20/00: Statement by the Governments of the United States and the United Kingdom, Washington, DC ("Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights")
12/19/00: Alan Larson, Presentation of U.S. Department of State Awards for Corporate Excellence, Washington, DC
12/19/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Anthony Wayne, Mr. Tom Rose, William S. Berry, Presentation of Awards, Washington, DC
12/19/00: Fact Sheet on the Report of the U.S.-EU Biotechnology Consultative Forum
12/18/00: Lawrence H. Summers, IMF Advisory Committee, Washington DC (Reforms at the International Monetary Fund)
12/10/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks at Business Roundtable, Port Louis, Mauritius
12/10/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Press Remarks with Prime Minister Anerood Jugnauth, Port Louis, Mauritius
12/07/00: Harold Hongju Koh, Social Accountability International, New York City (The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights)
12/07/00: Charlene Barshefsky, U.S.-Nigeria Joint Economic Partnership Committee, Washington, DC (American Trade Relations With Nigeria)
12/05/00: Global Economic Prospects 2001, World Bank Report
12/05/00: Alan Larson, 7th Annual Conference, Japan International Transport Institute, Washington DC, (Is Japan Getting Connected? How the New Economy Is Reshaping International Transportation and Communications)
12/05/00: Wassenaar Arrangement Agreement: Man-Portable Air Defense Systems Export Controls Man-Portable Air Defense Systems Export Controls
12/04/00: Kenneth H. Mackay, Jr., Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, DC (White House Special Envoy Previews Next Summit of the Americas)

November 2000
11/27/00: Press Statement, Privatization of Intelsat Commercial Operations
11/24/00: Press Statement, Caspian Pipeline Consortium
11/20/00: E. Anthony Wayne, American Chamber of Commerce, Lima, Peru (Economic Benefits of Globalization)
11/17/00: E. Anthony Wayne, CEO's Conference "Digital Economy" Plenary Session, Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue, Cincinnati, Ohio (Economic Benefits of Digital Economy)
11/15/00: Multilateral Agreement on the Liberalization of International Air Transportation, Bandar Seri Bagawan, Brunei
11/15/00: U.S. Transportation Department Press Release (United States, Asia-Pacific Aviation Partners Enter Multilateral Open Skies Agreement)
11/14/00: Alan Larson, APEC Ministerial Meeting, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei (Ministers Call for WTO Ad Hoc Group on Electronic Commerce)
11/13/00: Alan Larson, APEC Ministerial Meeting, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei (Cooperation to Ensure Economic Benefit for All APEC Members)
11/13/00: Susan G. Esserman, WTO Libreville 2000, Meeting of African Trade Ministers, Libreville, Gabon (Africa and WTO)
11/12/00: Alan Larson, APEC Ministerial Meeting, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei (Two New APEC Initiatives)
11/11/00: Charlene Barshefsky, Pacific Basin Economic Committee, Singapore (Towards the Pacific Community: American Trade Relations with Asia 1993-2000)
11/11/00: James Schroeder, Strategic Alliance for Biotechnology Research in African Development (SABRAD), Accra, Ghana ( Biotechnology Offers Promising and Safe Tool for Global Food)
11/09/00: James B. Cunningham, United Nations General Assembly, New York City (Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States of America against Cuba)
11/08/00: U.S. Trade Representative Press Release (U.S to Request WTO Panel on Mexico Telecommunications)
11/08/00: U.S. Trade Representative Press Release (Special 301 Intellectual Property Country Reviews)

October 2000
10/26/00: Lawrence H. Summers, Statement, Closing Plenary Session of China-U.S. Joint Economic Committe (U.S.-China Ties)
10/26/00: U.S. Treasury News, Joint Statement of 13th China-U.S. Joint Economic Committee
10/20/00: Alan Larson, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC (The International Digital Divide: Building Bridges to the Developing World)
10/19/00: Charlene Barshefsky, U.S. Trade Representative, Remarks, National Press Club, Washington, DC (From the Cold War to the Wired World: Trade Policy in the Clinton Era)
10/19/00: Press Statement, U.S. Trade Representative (Senate Approves Ten Bilateral Investment Treaties)
10/18/00: Alan Larson, Remarks, U.S.-Bangladesh Business Council, Washington, DC (U.S.-Bangladesh Economic Ties)
10/17/00: Alan Larson, Remarks, U.S. China Aviation Symposium, Washington, DC (U.S.-China Aviation Relations)
10/12/00: Alan Larson, Remarks, World Food Prize Symposium Luncheon, Des Moines, Iowa (Challenges and Opportunities of Agricultural Biotechnology)
10/12/00: Secretary Albright, Comments on International Transportation for U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
10/10/00: Alan Larson, Remarks, International Transportation Symposium, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC (Getting Connected: How the New Economy Is Reshaping International Transportation and Communications)
10/10/00: Press Release, U.S. International Trade Commission (U.S. Pushes for Increased Transparency in the WTO)
10/10/00: U.S. Trade Representative Press Statement, Washington, DC (Barshefsky Applauds the Signing of PNTR Legislation for China)
10/04/00: John S. Wolf, Remarks, Kazakhstan International Oil and Gas Exposition Almati, Kazakhstan (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Oil and Caspian Gas Pipelines)
10/02/00: Alan Larson, Address, Conference on the Internet and Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State (Net Diplomacy 2000)
10/02/00: Fact Sheet, U.S. Trade Representative (Africa Growth and Opportunity Act)
10/02/00: Fact Sheet, U.S. Trade Representative (Caribbean Trade Partnership Act)
10/02/00: Luis J. Lauredo, Permanent Representative of the United States to the Organization of American States, Op-Ed in the Miami Herald (U.S. Ratifies Inter-American Convention Against Corruption)

September 2000
09/27/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Opening Remarks, House International Relations Committee, Washington, DC (U.S. Policy Toward Russia)
09/28/00: Rob Boone, Statement, Working Group on Probity and Public Ethics, Organization of American States Washington, DC (Inter-American Convention Against Corruption
09/22/00: Peter F. Romero, Remarks, Almas Temple, Washington, DC( Educational, Business, and Government Alliances: Partnerships for the Education of Future Global Business Leaders
09/19/00: Stanley O. Roth, Statement, House International Relations Committee, Washington, DC (U.S.-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement and U.S. Policy on Vietnam)

August 2000
08/23/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Joint Press Availability With Albanian Prime Minister Ilir Meta, Washington, DC (Albania's Economic Reform and Imminent Membership in the WTO)
08/21/00: Press Release, U.S. Department of Commerce (Travel of Deputy Secretary of Commerce to Vietnam)
08/18/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Press Availability with Bolivian Foreign Minister Javier Murillo, La Paz, Bolivia (U.S.-Ecuador Food Aid Agreement)
08/16/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks at Roundtable Discussion with Representatives of U.S. Businesses in Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina (U.S. and Argentina Business Relations)
08/15/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations Luiz Felipe Lampreia, Press Statement, Brasilia, Brazil (Bilateral Relations Between U.S. and Brazil)
08/14/00: Press Release, U.S. Ex-Im Bank (U.S. Companies Export Products to Turkey)
08/11/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Albuquerque Rotary Club, Kiwanas Club, and International Visitors Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico (U.S. Foreign Policy Successes and Challenges)
08/11/00: Press Release, International Trade Administration (U.S. and Chile Announce Cooperative Programs to Increase Trade Through Technology)
08/10/00: Thomas Pickering, Remarks, National Association of Industrialists (ANDI), Cartagena, Colombia (U.S. Supports Plan Colombia)
08/10/00: Press Release, International Trade Administration (U.S. and Argentina Announce Expanded Cooperation in E-Commerce)
08/07/00: Thomas Pickering: Address, Business Council for International Understanding, Washington, DC, (U.S. Business Should Consider Balkans)
08/04/00: Press Release, U.S. Ex-Im Bank (Ex-Im Bank Finances $51 Million Weather Station in Romania)
08/02/00: Press Release, U.S. Trade Representative (WTO Backs United States in Beef Dispute with South Korea)
08/01/00: Howard Jeter, Statement, UN Security Council, New York City (Exploratory Hearing on Sierra Leone Diamonds)
08/01/00: Press Release, U.S. Department of Agriculture (China Agrees to Import U.S. Tobacco and Potatoes)
08/01/00: Press Release, Senate Ratification of the OAS Inter-American Convention against Corruption

July 2000
07/31/00: Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke, UN Security Council, New York City (Exploratory Hearing on Sierra Leone Diamonds)
07/31/00: Press Release, U.S. Department of Commerce (European Commission Issues Safe Harbor Privacy Arrangement)
07/31/00:Charlene Barshefsky, U.S. Trade Representative, Remarks, Jordanian-American Business Association Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (US-Jordan Free Trade Agreement and American Trade Policy in the Middle East)
07/30/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks, Dedication of Albright Hall Followed by Q&A With Students, Miyazaki, Japan ( U.S.-Japan Cooperation on Global Issues)
07/28/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Intervention at the ASEAN 10+1 Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand (Regional Cooperation)
07/27/00: Press Release, Department of Justice (Israeli Chemical Company Agrees to Plead Guilty to Price Fixing)
07/26/00: Linda H. Eddleman, Testimony, House Committee on International Relations (Brazil: A New Era of Bilateral Cooperation)
07/20/00: E. Anthony Wayne, Testimony, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, DC (Food Aid Convention 1999, International Plant Protection Convention, and International Labor Organization Convention 176)
07/19/00: James W. Pardew, Testimony, House International Relations Committee, Washington, DC (Crime and Corruption in Bosnia)
07/19/00: Malcolm R. Lee, Testimony, Subcommittee on Telecommunication, Trade, and Consumer Protection, House Committee on Commerce, Washington, DC (Spectrum Management and 2000 World Radiocommunication Conference)
07/12/00: E. Anthony Wayne, Statement, Subcommittee on International Economic Policy, Export, and Trade Promotion, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (The Role of Biotechnology in Combating Hunger)
07/12/00: David B. Sandalow, Testimony, Subcommittee on International Economic Policy, Export, and Trade Promotion, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (The Role of Biotechnology in Combating Hunger)
07/11/00: Alan Larson, Remarks, Global Business Dialogue (United States and WTO)
07/10/00: Alan Larson, Opening Statement, Foreign Press Center Briefing, Washington, DC (Preview of G-8 Summit)

June 2000
06/29/00: E. Anthony Wayne, Remarks, Foreign Press Center, Washington, DC (Second Annual Report On Implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention)
06/29/00: E. Anthony Wayne, Testimony, Subcommittee on European Affairs, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (Environment for Business in Central and Eastern Europe)
06/29/00: Press Statement, Battling International Bribery 2000 Report
06/28/00: President Cinton, Excerpt White House Press Conference (Comments on Cuba)
06/27/00: Press Statement, U.S. Welcomes American Investment in Estonia
06/27/00: Press Statement, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
06/23/00: Press Statement, U.S. Advances Regional Cooperation In Northern Europe
06/22/00: Alan Larson, Interview, WorldNet "Dialogue", U.S. Department of State (OPIC'S Southeast Europe Investment Fund)
06/19/00: Press Statement, Defense Export Controls
06/13/00: William M. Daley, Remarks, Japan Society Annual Dinner, New York City (Trade and Globalization)
06/06/00: Lawrence H. Summers, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Remarks at Women 2000, Economic Empowerment Forum, Beijing Plus Five Conference, UN, New York City (Africa and the Global Development Challenge)
06/05/00: Charlene Barshefsky, U.S. Trade Representative, Computer and Communications Industry Association, Washington, DC (Information Technology and Trade Policy)
06/05/00: Stuart E. Eizenstat, Treasury Deputy Secretary, Remarks, Computer and Communications Industry Association, Washington, DC ( U.S. E-commerce Policy)
06/05/00: White House Fact Sheet: U.S. Assists Ukraine in Small and Medium Enterprise Development
06/01/00: William Daley, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Remarks, American Chamber of Commerce/American Club, Lisbon, Portugal, (E-commerce Growth Between U.S. and EU)

May 2000
05/24/00: Fact Sheet, U.S. Department of State (China: WTO Accession and Permanent Normal Trade Relations)
05/19/00: Thomas R. Pickering, Remarks, National Foreign Policy Conference for NGOs, Washington, DC (Four Variations on the Theme of Diplomacy)
05/19/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Statement on Congressman Marty Meehan's China PNTR Announcement, Washington, DC
05/18/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks, 17th Annual U.S.-Mexican Binational Commission Closing Plenary Session, Washington, DC
05/18/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Joint Press Availability with Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Rosario Green, Washington, DC
05/18/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks with Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico Rosario Green Macias at the 17th U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission Opening Plenary Session
05/17/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Address, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC (Campaign to Preserve U.S. Global Leadership)
05/17/00: Peter Romero, Remarks Canadian-American Business Council, Washington, DC (U.S.-Canada Trade)
05/17/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC (Campaign to Preserve U. S. Global Leadership)
05/15/00: Peter Romero, Remarks, Institute of the Americas, Washington, DC (The U.S.-Latin American Energy Relationship)
05/12/00: Susan Shirk, Remarks at U.S./ROC Business Council Seminar, Washington, DC (China, Taiwan, and the WTO)
05/09/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Address, World Trade Center, Denver, Colorado (Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) Status for China)
05/09/00: Stanley O. Roth, Remarks, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC (A Strategy for the Future: U.S.-China Relations and China's WTO Accession)
05/09/00: Press Statement, U.S.-Armenia Task Force on Economic Reform
05/08/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks, Associated Press, Waldorf-Astoria New York City (International Cooperation: Economy, Security, and Democracy)
05/03/00: Susan Esserman, Opening Remarks, U.S.-Africa WTO Forum, Washington, DC (U.S.-Africa WTO Forum)
05/02/00: Alan Larson, Testimony, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (Inter-American Convention Against Corruption)
05/01/00: Response to Commission on International Religious Freedom's First Annual Report

April 2000
04/27/00: Bryan Samuel, Testimony, Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, Narcotics and Terrorism, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (Economic Value of Trade Agreements: NAFTA)
04/26/00: Alan Larson, Remarks before the Hispanic Council on International Relations, U.S. Foreign Policy Conference, Washington, DC (U.S. Economic Interests and Foreign Policy)
04/26/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks to Hispanic Council on International Relations Dinner, Washington, DC (Two U.S. foreign policy goals in the America: Reducing Income Inequality and Strengthening Democracy)
04/24/00:Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Statement, News Corps Global Forum 2000, New York City (The United State in the 21st Century)
04/19/00: Press Statement, U.S.-North Africa Economic Partnership
04/17/00: Alan Larson, Remarks, Consumer Federation of America (Biotechnology: Challenge and Opportunity)
04/12/00: Fact Sheet, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (U.S. Membership in the WTO: Supporting American Workers, Farmers, Businesses, Economic Progress, and Security)
04/11/00: Alan Larson, Remarks, Center for International Strategic Studies, Washington, DC (The Political and Social Foundations of an American Policy for Development)
04/06/00: Alan Larson, Press Statement, Riga, Latvia
04/06/00: Alan Larson, Press Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania
04/05/00: Stanley O. Roth, Washington State China Relations Council Seattle, WA (A Strategy for the Future: U.S.-China Relations and China's WTO Accession
04/06/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Agilent Technologies Health Care Solutions Group, Andover, MA (Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China)

March 2000
03/30/00: Alan Larson, World Affairs Council Executive Luncheon, San Francisco, CA (The Case for Normal Trade Relations with China)
03/29/00: Alan Larson, International Aviation Club, Washington, DC (The Future of Air Services Liberalization)
03/22/00: Fact Sheet, White House (Protecting the Environment, Promoting Clean Energy Development, and Combatting Global Warming)
03/17/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Washington, DC (American-Iranian Relations)
03/16/00: Alan Larson, International Chamber of Commerce, Washington DC (Open Trade and Investment Climate)
03/10/00: Charlene Barshefsky, Press Briefing, U.S. Department of State (U.S.-China Trade Relations)
03/06/00: Alan Larson, Secretary's Open Forum, Washington, DC (IMF Reforms and the Challenges of Globalization)
03/06/00: Alan Larson, Commodity Classic, Orlando, Fl, (Agriculture: Trade, Aid, and Foreign Policy)
03/02/00: David L. Aaron, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, Remarks, Economic Strategy Institute, Washington, DC (PNTR and WTO Accession for China)

February 2000
02/14/00: Alan Larson,Washington, DC (Combating Corruption in International Business Transactions)
02/14/00: Alan Larson, Lieutenant Governors Association, Washington, DC (State Department's Role in Facilitating Business Overseas)
02/10/00: Alan Larson, Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, Radisson Hotel, Washington, DC (Consumers and the Global Economy)
02/09/00: Alan Larson, World Net Interview on WTO, Washington, DC (International Trade Issues)
02/02/00: Alan Larson, Taj Man Singh Lunch Hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industries, New Dehli, India (Bhoomandalikaran: Cooperating to Gain the Benefits of Global Economic Integration)

January 2000
01/30/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland (The U.S. in the 21st Century)
01/30/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland
01/29/00: Larry Summers, Secretary of the Treasury and Gene Sperling, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Davos, Switzerland
01/05/00: Alan Larson, Rotary Club, Washington, DC, (Making Globalization Work for Workers, Both Here and Abroad)

U.S. Congress
Microenterprise for Self-Reliance and International Anti-Corruption Act of 2000: An act to authorize continued and expanded efforts to provide assistance to the world's poorest entrepreneurs.
H.R. 444: PNTR, Cloture Motion
Public Law No: 106-200
An act to authorize a new trade and investment policy for sub-Sahara Africa, expand trade benefits to the countries in the Caribbean Basin, renew the generalized system of preferences, and reauthorize the trade adjustment assistance programs.
-- Related Sites
African Growth and Opportunity Act

White House
11/29/00: President Clinton, Statement on Bilateral FTA between the U.S. and Chile
11/19/00: Gene Sperling, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Integrating Vietnam in the World Economy)
19/19/00: President Clinton, Vietnam (U.S. Business and Vietnam)
11/19/00: President Clinton, Vietnamese Business Community, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Vietnam's Economic Future)
11/15/00: President Clinton, APEC Business Advisory Council CEO Summit, Bandar Seri Bagawan, Brunei (Call to Launch a New WTO Round Next Year)
11/15/00: White House Fact Sheet on Meeting Challenges of 21st Century New Economy
11/15/00: White House Fact Sheet on Multilateral Open Skies Agreement
11/13/00: President Clinton: Signing Reauthorization of Export Administration Act
10/17/00: President Clinton: Microenterprise for Self-Reliance and International Anti-Corruption Act of 2000
10/12/00: President Clinton: Lifting Trade and Financial Sanctions Against Serbia
10/10/00: President Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Senator William Roth, Representative Bill Archer, Senator Patrick Moynihan and Congressman Charles Rangel, Remarks, South Lawn, the White House (Signing of China PNTR)
10/10/00: Fact Sheet on Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China
10/02/00: Fact Sheet on U.S. Funding for International Debt Relief for Poor Countries
08/03/00: Fact Sheet on Computer Export Controls Policy
01/30/00: President Clinton, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland (New Beginnings, Making a Difference)

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