How to Order Copies

Note: Users may download images themselves or can order copies through the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service.

Obtaining Black & White Photographic Copies

Order Number: Use the LC-USZ6... number listed in the Reproduction Number field in the catalog record. If no LC-USZ6... number is listed, the original item will need to be photographed in black-and-white; use the number listed in the Call Number field to request photography. Include a copy of the catalog record with the order to help staff locate the particular item in question.
Price: See Photoduplication Service pricing for Photographic Services.

Obtaining Color Photographic Copies

Order Number: Use the LC-USZC... number listed in the Reproduction Number field in the catalog record. If no LC-USZC... number is listed, the original item will need to be photographed; use the number listed in the Call Number field to request photography. Include a copy of the catalog record with the order to help staff locate the particular item in question.
Price: See Photoduplication Service pricing for Photographic Services.

Obtaining Copies from Digital Files through the Photoduplication Service

Digital copies have, for the most part, been made from color copy transparencies, not from the original prints and drawings.
Order Number: Use the number listed in the Reproduction Number field in the catalog record.
Price: See Photoduplication Service pricing for Digital Imaging Services.

The Photoduplication Service accepts orders by mail, fax (202-707-1771) and email (photoduplication@loc.gov). The Photoduplication Service estimates that it takes 3-6 weeks to complete an order. See the Photoduplication Service web site (http://lcweb.loc.gov/preserv/pds/photo.html) for further information and order forms, or contact the Photoduplication Service (telephone: 202-707-5640; email: photoduplication@loc.gov).

Library of Congress
( January 29, 2004 )