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Crustal Imaging and Characterization Team

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Aqueous Geochemistry Research and Development

Many projects within the USGS and the Mineral Resources Program (MRP) rely on low-temperature aqueous geochemistry as an integral part of their study of earth processes. The Aqueous Geochemistry Research and Development Project, which ran from fiscal year 2001 through fiscal year 2007, developed and tested new and emerging scientific hypotheses, methods, and modeling applications in the field of aqueous geochemistry applied to the environmental geochemistry of mineralized areas. New or improved research tools developed within this project will be incorporated into topical projects. This project was divided into four scientific topics. Each of these topics incorporates several activities, and all of the activities are either outgrowths from topical projects or identified needs from work on topical projects.

The Modeling Applications and Reaction Pathways Topic emphasizes computer-based reaction-path geochemical modeling, hydrologic fluid-flow modeling, coupled geochemical/fluid-flow modeling, and laboratory experimental modeling of mineralogically complex systems. This task maintains MRP access to the powerful Geochemist's Workbench® suite of computer programs licensed through the University of Illinois.

The Method Development Topic addresses the development of geochemical approaches to understanding the chemical and physical processes associated with geochemical cycles and metal mobility.

The Speciation Studies Topic develops state-of-the-art speciation methods for characterization of important constituents in solid and aqueous systems.

The Biocatalysis Studies Topic investigates the role of microbes (primarily bacteria) in the geochemical cycles of arsenic, mercury, iron, lead, and zinc.

Project Products

Individual topic pages list products specific to each topic.

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Contact Information

Kathleen Smith
Box 25046 MS 964D Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0046
Phone: (303) 236-5788
Email: ksmith

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