FY 2009 International Affairs (Function 150) Budget Request--Summary and Highlights

The annual Summary and Highlights of the International Affairs Budget (Function 150)  presents an overview of the total funding requested from four appropriations subcommittees for the programs and activities of the International Affairs budget. 

The Summary and Highlights document currently is available as a PDF file.

Additional 2009 Budget Material

--Fact Sheet: International Affairs FY 2009 Budget

--The annual Budget in Brief presents an overview of the FY 2009 budget request for Department of State appropriations. Its sections include a budget summary and tables, as well as specific resource requirements for programs, activities, and management initiatives.

-- The Department of State/USAID Joint Highlights summarizes high-level budget, performance, and financial information. It includes representative performance indicators from the Congressional Budget Justifications for both the Department and Foreign Operations.