Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Annual Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report

National Archives And Records Administration (NARA)
Fiscal Year 1996

Part I: National Archives Administrative Records.

Part II: Records of other agencies accessioned into the National Archives of the United States, donated historical materials, and records of the former presidents in the legal custody of the National Archives.(Records not created by the National Archives but in its legal custody.)

Part III: Records of other agencies stored in National Archives Federal Records Centers.

Part I: National Archives Administrative Records

1. Number of initial FOIA requests received: 192
2. Requests not complied with based on an exemption.
a. Number of requests fully or partially denied
because records exempt from release
b. Number of times each exemption was cited
as the reason for a denial of access:

Exemption Times Cited
(b)(1) _
(b)(2) 1
(b)(3) _
(b)(4) _
(b)(5) 1
(b)(6) 4
(b)(7) _
(b)(8) _
(b)(9) _
c. List of statutes cited for exemption (b)(3). _
d. Name and title of official denying access to records and the number of instances for each official. _
Name Title Instances
Adrienne C. Thomas Assistant Archivist for Administrative Services 6
3. Number of other requests not complied with fully for one or more of the following reasons: 62
a. Records inadequately described:
b. Non possession of records by the National Archives
(including requests requiring creation of a record)
c. Materials requested not subject to FOIA:
d. Request referred to another agency:
e. Request withdrawn or no response:
f. Other:
4. Appeals
a. Number of appeals on denial of access received
b. Number of instances in which access, in part or in whole, was granted.
5. Total fees collected: $27.00
6. Fee Wavers:
a. Number of fee waivers requested:
b. Number granted:
7. Number of time extensions taken: 1

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Part II: Records of Other Agencies Accessioned into the National Archives of the United States, Donated Historical Materials, and Records of former Presidents in the Legal Custody of the National Archvies
(Records not created by the National Archives but in its legal custody)

1. Number of initial FOIA requests received: 1194
2. Requests not complied with based on an exemption.
a. Number of requests fully or partially denied
because records exempt from release
b. Number of times each exemption was cited
as the reason for a denial of access:
Exemption Times Cited
(b)(1) 298
(b)(2) _
(b)(3) 67
(b)(4) _
(b)(5) _
(b)(6) 18
(b)(7) 193
(b)(8) _
(b)(9) _

  1. List of statutes cited for exemption (b)(3).
    1. Rule 6e of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
    2. 42 U.S.C. 2161-2166
    3. 50 U.S.C. 403
    4. 26 U.S.C. 6103
    5. 18 U.S.C. 798
  1. Name and title of official denying access to records and the number of instances for each official.

Name Title Instances
R. Michael McReynolds Director, Textual Reference 87
Clarence Lyons Chief, AII Textual Reference 234
James Rush (A)Chief, AII Textual Reference 10
Cary Conn Archivist, AII Textual Reference 1
Martin Teasley Asst. Director, NLE 1
Rod Soubers Sup.Archivist, Reagan Library 54

3. Number of other requests not complied with:
fully for one or more of the following reasons:
a. Records inadequately described.
b. Non possession of record by the National Archives
(including requests requiring creation of a record)
c. Materials requested not subject to FOIA.
d. Request referred to another agency.
e. Request withdrawn or no response.
f. Other:
4. Appeals:
a. Number of appeals of denial of access received:
b. Number of instances in which access,
in part or in whole, was granted.
5. Total fees collected. $0.00
6. Fee waivers:
a. Number of fee waivers requested.
b. Number granted.
7. Number of time extensions taken: 2

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Part III: Records of Other Agencies Stored in the National Archives Federal Records Centers
1. Number of initial FOIA requests received: 4573
2. Requests not complied with based on an exemption.
a. Number of requests fully or partially denied
because records exempt from release
b. Number of times each exemption was cited
as the reason for a denial of access:
Exemption Times Cited
(b)(1) _
(b)(2) _
(b)(3) _
(b)(4) _
(b)(5) _
(b)(6) _
(b)(7) _
(b)(8) _
(b)(9) _

  1. List of statutes cited for exemption (b)(3).
  1. Name and title of official denying access to records and the number of instances for each official:

Names Title Instances
None _ _

3. Number of other requests not complied with fully for one or more of the following reasons: 294
a. Records inadequately described:
b. Non possession of records by the National Archives
(including requests requiring creation of a record)
c. Materials requested not subject to FOIA:
d. Request referred toanother agency:
e. Request withdrawn or no response:
f. Other:
4. Appeals
a. Number of appeals on denial of access received
b. Number of instances in which access, in part or in whole, was granted.
5. Total fees collected: $0.00
6. Fee Wavers:
a. Number of fee waivers requested:
b. Number granted:
7. Number of time extensions taken: _

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272