Acquisitions Management

Services Summary
The award and administration of contracts and agreements in support of requirements generated by Bureaus, Offices and Organizations within the U.S. Department of State (DoS). Examples of the types of services, equipment and supplies that AQM procures are: IT Services and Equipment, Overseas Construction and Facilities Services; International Cooperative Agreements and Grants; Worldwide Protective Services; Domestic Facilities and Domestic Services.

Overseas Posts
The Department of State has over 250 posts overseas, each of which may have the ability to award and administer contracts within limited dollar values (typically less than or equal to $250,000). StateBuy provides information on posts' procurements as well as other business opportunities at the Department.

You may also want to contact the General Services Officer listed in the Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts for specific post procurement issues.

Additional contact information on posts is available at US Embassies and Consulates.

Procurement Regulations and Procedures
The Office of the Procurement Executive is responsible for the Department of State's acquisition regulations and Department specific procurement related procedures.

For more information regarding procurement at other Federal Agencies, please consult the Federal Acquisition Jumpstation and other related sites.

Small Businesses
Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

Contract Opportunities
Pursuant to applicable regulations, AQM posts relevant contract actions and opportunities on the Federal government business opportunities website, Fed Biz Opps.

Acquisition Management Divisions
Director, Cathy Read - 703-875-6037
Business Operations – Lisa Million
Facilities Design and ConstructionRobert R. Powell
Information Technology, John Stever
International Programs – Ann Truitt
Worldwide Operations – Vince Chaverini, Jr.
RPSO Frankfurt – Raymond Bouford

Regional Procurement Support Offices
Frankfurt, Germany, Timothy Farrell, Director
Fort Lauderdale, FL, Rob Lloyd, Director