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Open-File Report 2004-1326

Prepared in Cooperation with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

Atrazine Concentrations in Stream Water and Streambed Sediment Pore Water in the St. Joseph and Galien River Basins, Michigan and Indiana, May 2001-September 2003

By Joseph W. Duris, Howard W. Reeves, and James L. Kiesler, Jr.

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) sampled multiple stream sites across the St. Joseph and Galien River Basins to detect and quantify the herbicide atrazine using a field enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) triazine test. In May 2001, July 2001, April 2002, August 2002, August 2003 and September 2003, composite samples were collected across streams at USGS streamflow-gaging stations. Concentrations and instantaneous loading for atrazine sampled in stream water throughout the St. Joseph River and Galien River Basins in Michigan and Indiana ranged from nondetection (< 0.05 part per billion (ppb)) with an associated load less than 0.001 kilogram per day (kg/d) to 6 ppb and a maximum load of 10 kg/d. Atrazine concentrations were highest in May 2001 just after the planting season. The lowest concentration was found in April 2002 just before planting. Atrazine concentrations in streambed-sediment pore water were not spatially connected with atrazine concentrations in stream-water samples. This study showed that atrazine concentrations were elevated from May to July in the St. Joseph and Galien River Basins. At many sites, concentrations exceeded the level that has been shown to feminize frog populations (0.2 ppb). There were 8 sites where concentrations exceeded 0.2 ppb atrazine in May 2001 and July 2001.

For further information, contact:
Jim Nicholas, Director
U.S. Geological Survey
Michigan Water Science Center
6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 5
Lansing, MI 48911-5991
visit our Web site at:

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Suggested citation:

Duris, Joseph W., Howard W. Reeves, and James L. Kiesler, Jr. -Atrazine Concentrations in Stream Water and Streambed Sediment Pore Water in the St. Joseph and Galien River Basins, Michigan and Indiana, May 2001-September 2003, Date Posted: August 2, 2005, Open-File Report 2004-1326, 25p. []




Purpose and Scope

Description of Study Area

Methods and Approach

Reconnaissance Investigations



Measurement of Atrazine Concentrations in Stream Water and Streambed Sediment Pore Water

Atrazine Concentrations in Stream Water and Streambed Sediment Pore Water

Reconnaissance Investigations



Comparison of Atrazine Concentrations in Stream Water and Streambed Sediment Pore Water

Atrazine Detection Method Comparison


References Cited

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