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Hurricane Research Division

Other Years' Publications :

Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tropical Cyclones Reviewed Articles and Books - 1997

Compiled by Noel Charles and Chris Landsea

This is a compilation both of all reviewed research papers and books (or chapters of books) on tropical cyclones that were published in 1997 as received at the NOAA/AOML library.

If there are any additions or corrections, please email me directly.

All Available Journals - 1997


  • None


  • None

Australian Meteorological Magazine

  • Sheperd I. J., and P. W. Bate, 1997: The South Pacific and southeast Indian Ocean tropical cyclone season. Aus. Meteor. Mag., 46, 143-152
  • Callaghan J., 1997: The South Pacific and southeast Indian Ocean tropical cyclone season 1995-1996. Aus. Meteor. Mag., 46, 325-340

Boundary Layer Meteorology

  • None

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

  • Zhang Z., and T. N. Krishnamurti, 1997: Ensemble forecasting and hurricane tracks, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 78, 2785-2796

Climate Dynamics

  • None

Climate Change

  • None

Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean

  • None
Geophysical Research Letters

  • Jarzembski, M. A., V. Srivastava, E. W. McCaul, Jr., G. J. Jedlovec, R. J. Atkinson, R. F. Pueschel, and D. R. Cutten, 1997: Comparison of lidar backscatter with particle distribution and GOES-7 data in Hurricane Juliette. Geo. Res. Letters, 24, 1063-1066
  • Saunders, M. A., and A. R. Harris, 1997: Statistical evidence links exceptional 1995 Atlantic hurricane season to record sea warming. Geo. Res. Letters, 24, 1255-1258
  • Wilson, R. M., 1997: Comment on "Downward trends in the frequency of intense Atlantic hurricanes during the past 5 decades" by C. W. Landsea et al. Geo. Res. Letters, 24, 2203-2204
  • Landsea, C. W., N. Nicholls, W. M. Gray, and L. A. Avila, 1997: Reply. Geo. Res. Letters, 24, 2205
  • Walsh, K.J.E. and R. Kleeman, 1997: Predicting decadal variations in Atlantic tropical cyclone numbers and Australian rainfall. Geo. Res. Letters, 24, 3249-3252
International Journal Of Climatology

  • None
Journal of Applied Meteorology

  • None
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology

  • None
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

  • Bender, M.A., 1997: The effect of relative flow on the asymmetric structure in the interior of hurricanes. J. Atmos. Sci.,54, 703-724
  • Holland G. J., 1997: The maximum potential intensity of tropical cyclones. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 2519-2541
Journal of Climate

  • Knaff, J. A., 1997: Implications of summertime sea level pressure anomalies in the tropical Atlantic region. J. Climate, 10, 789-804
  • Walsh K., and I. G. Watterson, 1997: Tropical cyclone-like vortices in a limited area model: Comparison with observed climatology. J. Climate, 10, 2240-2259
  • Chu P., and J. Wang, 1997: Tropical cyclone occurrences in the vicinity of Hawaii: Are the differences between El Nino and Non-El Nino Years significant? J. Climate, 10, 2683-2689
  • Whitney L. D., and J. S. Hobgood, 1997: The relationship between sea surface temperature and maximum intensities of tropical cyclones in the north-eastern Pacific Ocean. J. Climate, 10, 2921-2930
Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmosphere)

  • Krasilnikov E. Y., 1997: Electromagnetohydrodynamic nature of tropical cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes. J. Geophys. Res., D12, 13,571-13,581
Journal of Physical Oceanography

  • Shay L. K., and S. W. Chang, 1997: Free surface on the near-inertial ocean response to a hurricane: A Revisit. J. Phys. Ocean., 27, 23-39
  • Ming Y. T., P. Holloway, and R. Grimshaw, 1997: A numerical study of the storm surge by Tropical Cyclone Jane. J. Phys. Ocean., 27, 963-976
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan

  • Shimazu Y., 1997: Wide slow-moving rainbands and narrow fast-moving rainbands observed in Typhoon 8913. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 75, 67-80
  • Peng M. S., and S. W. Chang, 1997: Predicting Typhoon Flo of 1990 assimilation of rainfall rates inferred from infrared brightness temperature. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 75, 1073-1089
Mariner's Weather Log

  • Staff, 1997: Hurricane Hunters, Mar. Wea. Log., (Spring), 14
  • Staff, 1997: Observing Hurricane Fran with an automated surface observation system, (Spring), 14
  • Staff, 1997: Drifting buoys monitor tropical storm genesis in eastern Atlantic, (Winter), 50
Monthly Weather Review

  • Ritchie, E. A., and G. J. Holland, 1997: Scale interactions during the formation of Typhoon Irving. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 1377-1396
  • Walsh, K., 1997: Objective detection of tropical cyclones in high-resolution analyses. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 1767-1779
  • Lehmiller, G. S., T. B. Kimberlain, and J. B. Elsner, 1997: Seasonal prediction models for North Atlantic basin hurricane location. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 1780-1791
  • Carr III, L. E., M. A. Boothe, and R. L. Elsberry, 1997: Observational evidence for alternate mode of track-altering binary tropical cyclone scenarios. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 2094-2111
  • Simpson, J., E. Ritchie, G. J. Holland, J. Halverson, and S. Stewart, 1997: Mesoscale interactions in tropical cyclone genesis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 2643-2661
  • Bister, M., and K. A. Emanuel., 1997: The genesis of Hurricane Guillermo: TEXMEX analyses and modeling study. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, pg. 2662-2682
  • Farfan, L. M., and J. A. Zehnder, 1997: Orographic influence on the synoptic-scale circulations associated with the genesis of Hurricane Guillermo (1991). Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 2683-2698
  • Molinari, J., D. Knight, M. Dickinson, D. Vollaro, and S. Skubis, 1997: Potential vorticity, easterly waves, and Eastern Pacific tropical cyclogenesis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 2699-2708
  • Monaldo, F. M., T. D. Sikora, S. M. Babin, and R. E. Sterner, 1997: Satellite imagery of sea surface temperature cooling in the wake of Hurricane Edouard (1996). Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 2716-2721
  • Li, J., N. E. Davidson, G. D. Hess, and G. Mills, 1997: A high resolution prediction study of two typhoons at landfall. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 2856-2878
  • Liu, Y., D. Zhang, M. K. Yau, 1997: A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part I: Explicit simulation and verification. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 3073-3093
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

  • Dengler K., 1997: A numerical study of the effects of land proximity and changes in sea surface on hurricane tracks. Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 123, 1307-1322
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology

  • Pokhil, A. E., N. A. Nikolskaya, 1997: The behavior of some typhoons in the Pacific in the 1994 Season. Russ. Meteor. Hydrol., 6, 7-19
  • Yurchak, B. S., 1997: Radar study of the eye of Tropical Cyclone Irving passing over the Gulf of Tonkin. Russ. Meteor. Hydrol., 6, 11
  • Pokhil, A. E., I. G. Sitnikov, and S. A. Galkin, 1997: Interaction of three ideal vortices in a numerical model and the behavior of a group of real tropical cyclones in the Pacific. Russ. Meteor. Hydrol., 19-28
Tellus, Series A

  • Landsea, C. W., 1997: Comments on "Will greenhouse gas-induced warming over the next 50 years lead higher frequency and greater intensity of hurricanes?" Tellus, 49A, 622-623
  • Bengtsson, L., M. Botzet, and M. Esch, 1997: Reply to: Comments on "Will greenhouse gas-induced warming over the next 50 years lead higher frequency and greater intensity of hurricanes?" Tellus, 49A, 624

  • James, H. R. 1997: Hurricanes Hardly Happen, Weather, 52, 351
Weather and Forecasting

  • Aberson, S. D., 1997: The predication of the performance of a nested barotropic hurricane track forecast model, Wea. Forecast., 12, 24-30
  • Spratt, S. M., D. W. Sharp, P. Welsh, A. Sandrik, F. Alsheimer, and C. Paxton, 1997: A WSR-88D assessment of tropical cyclone outer rainband tornadoes. Wea. Forecast., 12, 479-501
  • Krishnamurti, T. N., R. C. Torres, G. Rohaly, D. Oosterhof, and N. Surgi, 1997: Physical initialization and hurricane ensemble forecast. Wea. Forecast., 12, 503-514
  • Fitzpatrick, P. J., 1997: Understanding and forecasting tropical cyclone intensity change with the typhoon intensity prediction scheme (TIPS), Wea. Forecast., 12, 826-846
  • Tulyea, R. E., and S. J. Lord, 1997: The impact of dropwindsone data on GFDL hurricane model forests using global analyses. Wea. Forecast., 12, 307-323

  • Rosenfeld, J., 1997: Storm Surge! (A hurricane's most powerful and deadly force), Weatherwise, 50, 18-24
  • Avila, L. A., 1997: Atlantic hurricane season, Weatherwise, 50, 25-27
  • Rappaport, E. N., and M. Mayfield, 1997: Eastern Pacific hurricanes, Weatherwise, 50, 42-43
Earth Obs. Remote Sensing
  • Balebanov V.M., Moiseev S. S., Sharkov E.A., Lupyan E. A., Kalmykov, A.I., Zabyshnyi, A. I., Kuzmin A. K., Smirnov N. K., Tsymbal V. N., and Chikov K. N., 1997: The Helix Project: Space monitoring of the ocean- troposphere-upper atmosphere system during conditions the large-scale crisis. Earth Obs. Remote Sensing, 14, 823-835.
  • Pokrovskaya I. V., and Sharkov E.A., 1997: Remote study of the spatial fields of moisture content in the tropical atmosphere in the process of cyclogenesis. Earth Obs. Remote Sensing, 14, 875-889.
  • Sharkov E.A., 1997: The Global tropical cyclogenesis as a geophysical system slightly out of equilibrium. Earth Obs. Remote Sensing, 14, 865-874.
  • Sharkov E. A., 1997: Airspace observations of tropical cyclones. Earth Research from Space ( Earth Obs. Remote Sensing - Engl. Transl. ), 6, 78-111.
Phys. Chem. Earth
  • Moiseev S. S., Onishchenko O. G. , Sharkov E. A., Branover H. H and Eidelman A. E., 1997: Influence of variations of dissipation and pressure on formation of coherent structures in geophysical media. Phys. Chem. Earth, 21, 545-547.
Various other journals
  • Birkland, T., 1997: Factors inhibiting a national hurricane policy. Coastal Management: An International Journal of Marine Environment, Resources, Law, and Society, 25 4
  • Burke, M.F., 1997: Keeping a lid on hurricane risk. Risk Management, 44 5
  • Burnett, K., G. Ironson, C. Benight, and C. Wynings, 1997: Measurement of perceived disruption during rebuilding following Hurricane Andrew. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 10 4
  • Changnon, S.A., D. Changnon, E.R. Fossee, D.C. Hoganson, R.J. Roth, Sr., and J.M. Totsch, 1997: Effects of recent weather extremes on the insurance industry: Major implications for the atmospheric sciences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 78 3
  • Damian, F., C.C. Atkinson, and T. Powers, 1997: Disaster relief efforts after Hurricane Marilyn: A pediatric team's experience in St. Thomas. Journal Emergency Nursing, 23 6
  • Godbee, D. C. and J.W. Odom, 1997: Utilization of special forces medical assets during disaster relief: The Hurricane Andrew experience. Military Medicine, 162 2, 1997
  • Grant, S. M., S.B. Hardin, D.J. Pesut, and T. Hardin, 1997: Psychological evaluations, referrals, and follow-up of adolescents after their exposure to Hurricane Hugo. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 10 1
  • Hendrickson, L.A., R.L., Vogt, D. Goebert, and E. Pon, 1997: Morbidity on Kauai before and after Hurricane Iniki. Preventine Medicine, 26 5/1
  • Howe, M.L., 1997: Children's memory for traumatic experiences. Learn Individual Differ, 9 2
  • Ironson, G., C. Wynings, and M.A. Fletcher, 1997: Posttraumatic stress symptoms, intrusive thoughts, loss, and immune function after Hurricane Andrew. Psychosomatic Medicine, 59 2
  • Jaffee, D.M. and R. Russell, 1997: Catastrophe insurance, capital markets, and uninsurable risks. Journal of Risk Insurance, 64 2
  • Jenkins, S.R., 1997: Coping and social support among emergency dispatchers: Hurricane Andrew. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12 1
  • Khoury, E.L., G.J. Warheit, and A.G. Gil, 1997: The impact of Hurricane Andrew on deviant behavior among a multi-racial/ethnic sample of adolescents in Dade County, Florida: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 10 1
  • Peterson, E., 1997: Big disasters for a small town. Public Management, 79 11
  • Pielke Jr., R. A., 1997: Reframing the U.S. hurricane problem. Society and Natural Resources, 10 5
  • Piotrowski, C., T. Armstrong, and H. Stopp, 1997: Stress factors in the aftermath of Hurricanes Erin and Opal: Data from small business owners. Psychol Rep, 80 3
  • Tibbetts, J., 1997: Hurricanes 101: Lessons on saving lives and property. Coastal Heritage, 12 1
  • Tibbetts, J., 1997: The great escape: Fleeing the water's edge. Coastal Heritage, 12 1
  • Webb, C. A., D.M. Bush, and R.S. Young, 1997: Property damage mitigation lessons from Hurricane Opal: The Florida Panhandle Coast, October 4, 1995. Journal of Coastal Research, 13 1


  • Diaz, H. F., and R. S. Pulwarty (Eds.), 1997: "Hurricanes - Climate and Socioeconomic Impacts", Springer, New York, 292pp. (Authors include: Diaz, Pulwarty, Gray, Sheaffer, Landsea, Emanuel, Bengtsson, Botzet, Esch, Rappaport, Fernandez-Partagas, Doyle, Girod, Rodriquez, Pielke, Jr., Pielke, Sr., Riebsame, Watson, Vermeiren, Felts, Smith, Jamieson, Drury, Roth, and Clark.)
  • Pielke, Jr., R. A., and R. A. Pielke, Sr., 1997: "Hurricanes - Their Nature and Impacts on Society", Wiley, New York, 279pp.
  • William, J. M., and I. W. Duedall, 1997: "Florida Hurricanes and Tropical Storms", University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 146pp.
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