/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 17:55:40 May 6, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 14:58:36 Oct 13, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* javascript component called 05062009-03:31AM with id(s) stud_sat, stud_sat_dates */ // ensures same ad can't display in two slots of the same size // ensures removing ad from the array also removes any ads in the same grouping function removeFromAdList(alist, html) { // parse html for grouping value from the id attribute of the img tag var imgTag = html.substr(html.indexOf(" 0) { var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ad_ar.length); var html = ad_ar[rndNum]; document.write(html); //trackAdImpression(html); if (pos == 'top' || pos == 'bottom') { if (window.bottom) { bottom = removeFromAdList(bottom, html); } else if (window.bottom_left) { bottom_left = removeFromAdList(bottom_left, html); bottom_right = removeFromAdList(bottom_right, html); } } else if (pos == 'bottom_left') { bottom_right = removeFromAdList(bottom_right, html); } } } // gets 2 random and different ads from an array and writes them out function getDoubleAds(pos) { var ad_ar = eval('window.' + pos); if (ad_ar && ad_ar.length > 0) { document.write('
'); var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ad_ar.length); document.write(ad_ar[rndNum]); //trackAdImpression(ad_ar[rndNum]); ad_ar = removeFromAdList(ad_ar, ad_ar[rndNum]); // is there anything left in the array to write a second ad if (ad_ar.length > 0) { rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ad_ar.length); document.write(ad_ar[rndNum]); //trackAdImpression(ad_ar[rndNum]); } document.write('
'); } } // gets a random member of the array (with getAds) and displays within HTML function getAdsHTML(pos) { // prevent from breaking if not called correctly // calling with 'bottom' might mean one bottom array or two arrays for bottom_left and bottom_right if (pos == 'bottom') { if (!window.bottom && !window.bottom_left) { return } } else { if (!eval('window.' + pos)) { return } } if (pos == 'left') { getAds(pos); } else if (pos == 'bottom') { document.write('' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' ); if (window.bottom) { getAds('bottom'); } else { getAds('bottom_left'); } document.write( '' ); if (window.bottom) { getAds('bottom'); } else { getAds('bottom_right'); } document.write( '
' ); } else { getAds(pos); } } var left = new Array(); left[0] = ''; left[1] = ''; left[2] = '';