*EOOO958* Draft opeiiiny Stateiic,,ii. and 'ivior,.,.bc!rs O.-Lc the tO"aY LO su--l@o---@@ t,'Ic -0 to Lf,,,L, Cancer, and S Lro'r-,e o@ 1965 cn,.Ijod-c-d in IL5758 introduced by tl IC- d-,.Stin@,uis,'icd 15758 wi@@l the tl,-rou-,h Fiscal Year 1973 and will- c.Lari2y certain qs-,:)ects oi@- the -'co-s-ecratio-i of t'kiis le -'slat4on -n the @Yo ill recalls. -@rori yol.;. s U- r o@@ 1965 that lq--s cis a --CSU!t of t'@, c- I I d of the 7--,,z6sidcnt's Con@ @-ssl.C)-@l On -@Lilea-It D4-soa8c, Cancer, and stroi@e. '-"II L- '-SSiOn Insized -ot o vy dezLr, to,.! o'@: I'@ Y Oa bu also t-iia that they -,L 6--d --CD-Lio@.@Lc eiisLl--Css tl,-iis 0 1) .-O@-C med4-c"- Science !-its croa'--ocl -L@L',C LO rcduc@ t[ LO. D'U .it potc,-@i,21 wis@nol@- bo4iii(@, realized _'or many or our z :;,2 s z@-ii S"I-"e you Ili-,L,;L ret--!-!L S Co,,,,M4tt6e p'ayed :-@a4o@ i.- Clarifying both nature O.-Lc tire bro-rL@, &-,id d c C r 0-@ r. to 0 -2rg this 6h er,-e. Out c @t ".7g -n s 11 job and our ho@a ro-,,4 -le you t'6 -,io r@l o on our LO e@ato- WI@i;.Cil is to D L 0 co your 311611-.--,Ort a ye;;-zs a,-,o aid at the s 'D c s -1 ii-c o '@-e Pro, torso O:Z, y ex r ;- c, u e oi oral, w, 2 --to a 1: t.1- s p-o-ram assure bn ic objective Of TI-0 s i i b c be heart disease, cc,cc;r,, SC4-orce n@04.nst the threats OZ simoic. aci ov4n,, 4-s COOD --sources-- vo -V.L -..Iv o A our liaL -es , co-,icern no' orly r zatioyis. It recu-' p O-..7 e r Or, -man+- an Ln@,er,-@nce of quality health care but fo develol-I Iii-y Care to P601:ilc ill @ibed. o t q,,i@ W@ Sic',"Ll to i-n-@rodt:cc bur cni science and tcc',ir-olo@'Y. c - t'n care systcTL tile aclvnnces of 60,-,-Lrcs aeve,opmaLt C.- to -MD@-ove the Cy 0 t@,a.r4-se II health care costc I- t SO [I the 0'046CI-4VC. ty to urideriii-.@.e 0- ay that -the -Re @IS Pie---sed o be to you @od uD ard iT.-,Tj2:ess4 a a s s,- Lv @s !save. r,@ s for oy this Co@-,-.!ttce Z,ae O'-' --n -L -a o it is o "Y t and We 41 %,a 3' s -a n. ,u cc +@-!,it you help b---'L'kl-. 'to fruition this code to you to -@c by Sion of the :to VC-NL -ac 0. already riade lusti--.La-'Leo- Our that tLi s advarce the e-,-',-Iect-,Lva-aess a,@la quality O- these disoases4 -,.C aVa4lQ';3le to 4-',l SC Who S C,21 -,sr.2 0 process of this ",O@.1 is occlirr-i-,,ill the the 54 re s T) c, r, C. @.rd the ra,-,-'-oas w.-14.c!l Li y C i,: Iz L@ 0 0 v c cr. n 'Id be a o,- -:1@, .2 s 'IL -nt;c)-.,i -,ssu:ced that this rbspo--is'lbility '-'or P'Laii-iri- a-id orca-iiizin- f@,e ODI-@2:0-1@-O.-i o@ t@e belo@-,-s to the io@, to the Federal P' -!iL, diversity o--r -leces2 no o,,- on a L 1),z o L, cl r o c o 3n i z c,. s s 0 "ir c 0 s t i,, t 1, t c r z c t i i s L: i oL i Li,,id tl-ic.@ ncccs@,4.f@-- .X S a@- the 7OCal nvD heal+-!- resource level ill OC o-.La coc)7),2r-t-;Vl-l -4or Des7,@;ze tha v@-1--y ea-.-@-Y st@.-,2 o-@- the a-.id tile is an (")a- Is 0 @nz @rogra-al is d@vers@ -roups in the re .an ,Irorecal@eated @-SIL sults -,I a cons@ c a iv@euE@@ ns t -z L,, c noL O@L L ":,L -,L 0 II sbu@ the Needs c-@ that T.ic nron-i-a@, h@s been successful, despi'ce 0 the Y-at4-o.- -s zo ,cIs o-@ w career co.. 7-ile PrOgra-,-,S have oss--onal and L) 0 I a --,n jo-@- r,2s- C:SD P"O- Y;, i-evel-s. T,icy have ",Ie,LT)bd to overcome ri@Lv-!,s7,cns C%,-TS 0 -,I oi,,s so:,-.a 04"3c!s .-O-@- TI'C'SC @-cco-xlpl iViDort--nt because they are prer6cuisites SC3 re to voluntary cool)b.-,ntiv,2 effort-- on W,.-i'c",l the nro,,r8,rs based. L.L -oc towc--- e@@ort -is d the ?linr,4n- and r a!! s arran@c,-,aents" a-co-,i heni-@h the c ".La ,,st4-t,@t@-ons, o--ar-iza@.4.o s,.ard Dersonr,-!. The broad s one of enzblos re-io-.ia'L @lro--,,@s to assess thoroughly the needs and 6b,@o-turtities W4-@-h@,-n their and to de@-er-,nine the sbeciz@i-C Steps -that Ca-- be realistic6lly,"IPde---tak6t to iMDr6Ve the dia-nosis ona C) n of 4-.@ e d@Lso---s,-s. By v e orbblc-@is fto:r, 6 te@4 t a L@i I a es -S p@,--sD@Ct-@Ve, they a--e a -e to part the 7.os@. use o-@ reso tces ice or to er@cor,,.oass Lne SI)ec u Lor SC-"V in- and Conti@@Lbu,@-iors 0-@ the or-"ay 0-r- ex2Lst4-n- personnel @,ed4-ca'L center to the iso7.0ted --u,--al 1 4 Tie recr4-o-s '@Aave 'HY four,--' that many @'ffere-@it types of c@ni co-Li ioute ob 'ec,:ives such as a v- cod dica@nosi--- a- p@'-4enL a-"- -6c'La-.i-ques and o-L@ devel@oomer,'c of co data ncl@@7o@-ks oz co!-,-,!)Ute,-- and ot,icr wod@rLl "Y to @c@l 0.40 . -th care and r68cn--c"'l into better rca-,is r.- came!. All nctiv4.--ies are V IV4 e o v o as CcrLtl:- @u pa--ter-,is of @.-arbve@ -,on !ICL an -0 h @a@ -T) a 1-@ -D a r@ a after a Val Ci Y 0 Dro-d4y z:.@e e 0 'L adviso-:y -,,zou,@. 'Billy, a t: ITT til a few srecifi -c,,c s r c c 0 fr6-.r, sior.-i 1 5 The Te%as RI--iona'L :,Icdical is co@i-,bini-,i@, and Lise o.'L ac'va-.iced -a on L except @r, a 'ew institutions w c- s b-ch in co,-cart a 4 nn4 w- "-.L- iat niedical- schools rehabilitation pro-,-;--ams ta4-lored to serve Patients X4ith Ilear- d4 er, and stroke are being devel -Se@ISI-11 callic opcr-. I-C:.Lu@d@od these pro,-.rr-,ms -,re ,;blic ---,id private L p o - -a r, a 4,-o-,is L -1. n-rd coopo-r--t-ng m C.s WC@-. as CO",'.Ilun@L-y iosT,!., e-2ical- co""C-es. By -itutio-:,,s -i,7ill -,cco@.olisli a tas'- @-.Ia r. thesL, L) L. r ,a C 4 r a S co i:,@ c@.o@- acfi4-ev-- 'Lhc rc-a-,- are not -..@e o' -e-@ns. @@-i p-zovi--le8 ,,a W'scc)nsnn i-o-@ e- com',@ -.< -o;-o@lem o@ !,list:-,LcatecL adva-.iced ac-4vit; -@le T:,o@-e sop -es -.V, -n cri'Ly to t,ie bro@'-- oi i-,eoli.L n. 1,4 a o-@ the re@.-D has a y C) S @.@'S a@i-owac -@nis gross -@o a @Lor O.-La --he for d,-'Lzll@,-,osi-s C.-,d 6nt o' Da-4e-,ts (b-lood clo-@s 1.@. s [:a this 017Lt L 11 ,a s avc-@,-o, L-',-ie "-or the Ull.;.t ,_s estaD'-i-s y Lc)r 0 y ii@s 'cr,,aza@- -,or,2 o n. The 'C--ait c I -L z'd than tile na,-ion-I overL,@@c--a district :i a p u:: r, f, c s Z-1 '-SID i--,nus s S@@@ce tle c, c o i-@ ao, @" t r i i -Focused on improving Dot,-, too q-ailit:y a-,id availability of care. An example of achicvclmarts in this t-@tic organized in the To-ka-,icssee L@,id-South e -@l -ied, -@.ns ciiroric s 0 !I O.,: c 0 @L u a --,inic -,-7, the post c nu@oc--@ o.L' hospitals have -.-ounte4- Lo @ese pro-::i@ls nec. cu-"-@-Y 2L -@i c y -L -n o:- -L c e u r a . '-Iarou-@, Re-li-oral t-Y t'-es@ hos-.), oi-.-,,@d @@74 t-h @@ie Univr---s-' s '- 'tave j L -7-z:y Provides -L"le ed, L U,-.i-Vers riate"4a!s a - -1 t'n, a 0 6 p z s the -@,l 0 a e a I ity t--L@ -; 4 n, to -jrovide q,,i i --O.- to P,.cct a criticbl- L-lan-joi@er locc @.cc-@ss ry -L-.Dr CU,21ity ca@-c- in d2@so--sc, st-@-ol@.a. o-@ n-nzient came a-,-o al-so most offecti-VL@ all s of tL-,e pror@raL@is. irstance thro-,.7,.a@h the 7-@A,3 SC (-ne @oa@- ,e4 'Cal z.- w4t'.a Dhys4.,--'@zns and ;,-'lied C-O-,t, co@i.-Dc--erico is ava4-l-able @Lor o-ia-s,:L@-c consultants:,. T,.4@s ?--OV7-das speci---,c Consultation and 7 ed-aczi,L--ic)---i L'oz those responsible -Lrol-- the continuing,, care of j-, ly v z C c I C- s .eva.L 'Lad the ex@el-z- 1,4 e _,Z c-- @,@any of these activities have been e-irec@e'd rants in the o"gianizatio,.i a,-Id dcl@ivery of @alth Services. -oj,-bts u@, taken Lh:-our, L the P" c hout the i\7,qtior. tlia@ -r, wastc@-n fl@nrolina w!7e---@ 7 S,-,qal-l in as many d4-fferent c 0,3 r o- -.@-uscces, o@ Cl 2 t 0 Z3 f I s b I 'L--y -Oa d C- @'o art is s io c coo. e d. and a E@,4ng! r, A crc-di- --ion of e WI' 0 S,..,-) 1 s -.)roval. SeT)aa:a---'Ly, thesa ilos,)i 4L-a'Ls, p u --F a cc ful- ro but t' C! s _u wil@ have d4f-@--C 'ty -;n 'n, U@- L patient care. As a result o@ 'c, i c- Reg-o-Lial %'.edical '? r o-.3 La se 6 1.3 a-,-a now .-t tOL-ce i-I t oz a U-,IICLie t6stin!z t',n c-@n@r,&a poss@'@l-a t@l:-, bene@Lits o-.L@ ce cir@e -Fo- @,@e 20? or, oz- this isolated rui @,re@ ;Iavc! i-,c c, -@i C-".! i,-st a few o-@ -the concrete achievetizzlIts 'IC re!,-,io s.@ ',.,Io.-C 107@@ @)-olcc'L-s Such as these VO 10 Cd b OIC-.U L"-,6 .1 -'c[,L are i.@ a s,,In L@ul tl-Oll uo t',,@ 3 care O@@ heart disease) cnr@co::, o t: H,--, :tL,-4onai ',%',dica' 73 W-' t.@,i a c not are Fe since 1966. (Chart There Now l@,L- nio t,io pro@r@ss 'd S.' 1 -;3 -a -,,i n r n Of L -I c rc--,-',Das W',4C,'-, Lk,-v-, now rcce.L V 0 d, @7i ar@ r, 1 01' o@ t'-e oxco-DL '.Ducr@o P,4co, &-Lid za-.i Eleven @-cce@Lvz!d @arts to s-@D --t -L;'@eir -7-riti-cA7. o?,)c-r&tio-@ial activities. PO' in-" s have sub.-,i4ttbd ppl4catio-.is to o@--ra Ilona n',-,Ose of their programs. On the basis o4L by re-io-.is, we -that Vi- tL,.-,Ily all of '!I 'a onor The '--'rs- a.Lca f D:- OC,'n@-@---.s w-@ ;-a -L -'-e --04 -OWal-@ its _OAJS. L. C481 Ste? S of the ::__4 OnL, 1 p --jril ::u, o-@ @-OC D:: a OZ years. have alrea4---@ :.-r,@-)ortaace of involving,, --c succas @-esoun--cca- in to o tL. TI" Over 7 000 Li,--SC co@zrztive Dro-rzi-,Is C.L are n O'", i-,i til-le pro- ac-"4-v@1-y the s--iffs e-") L)y oraz,ls, !no. Drol@rla-.S, over !-)900 Of the L) Dy the l@cw who @.-.ust advise on the develoj)@TI-Iii'c O'" be.oro t-,cy can be .,-,rove all o @-,e@L,rs Of Var7-ous Subcoz.-in,,4--LL@ees, -.as',- forces, ood local 1CIZ4-0,@. @@-O-CDs 7r t i,;hC, c o C 'z:o ass-@,::e the rot o@,z t-!, a 'he oci-sonpal at t'- eci4ori 'ou@ so @Ln a[ L "a Todical i-iistitut4oiis are par,-icipating, i-@icud@nc, OV@@::17 @-ZdiCZI' S C!@-. 0 0 1 I.'o c x,.) c t ii n t c nu-,,.b c,,: o f h o s p 'c a @c i-,I--,y t ',:iic -,icar L@uturc- bc:yor.--', C, r t 3 0 of schools ind ot@-C.-" teac@l.-'--n@, -"na ?3ss-,L7)le this dovel-op.-.a@r,c c,,.@ close co-at--n-@ous co.@tac-@ bet-,Ioo,.l tile adva,,iccs of -,n@dical science a-id those adva,@.ces 4-n tire -a, @ 800 Health are riar-'@-icip@ti incj.uc,in,, c,,,@ry os- Soc@@ety, State state -a -Le Canca@- Societ:y. d O.,-is, @-rd Ol-c;an4-z@-nt@Lors tli@ c a s o -is @ L W.L c c -,I t e,,recta-L4.ons for f-.,14-s w,--., el-ry you--@ S,-, o i@ 1:7t to ni, c- -.D a c a d o a s@lid in-@@o- '!Dy a'.@.3st7 ---r--so@s @'Y C-I:a:,C.@'Olcs of Dr3lress we sa-@. I f !T a ye a (,,,o to or@; s@bst@-co a. s v c e:p c r@ tthat -i.-@kes sold di.'fererce -i-@i the 14@v@s OZ- pe@ic hona -@-o:c --olon --a --a .as N,7,2@l as -)l 0 G:: a c L. --ra so-,is; Dic davoi4@ 0- 1,3 0 i-,s o:- r--a!4-ty. The s crlie wa azvc co,-ceivcc as Ono 0 ecunl access to nart 0-r s P. evo,3-i zo ry out t,-,e -@.,blic ao7lars Ca-&I buy us be--@ ,Cal L-I." Oi@ the ef'Lcc'-- D@L @@'re on iDy 0 Z2 3 c- CIC". C;C-@;ara- -@T', -,-s rL,-F)o@--t as ... c@ 13 @,.e .4-OCUS is 0111 the patiopt. The object is to influ6tce the Present mo",@-,rn CLI;:C.@ for @-@@sease, sLrc"",@, related 'I,' CLISC."Sos to be to S@--i-- have interpreted this goal deat',,s '-icsc@ ir, Forms of a roa-@crioii i LroIrl. LL LliseLs@ls, b,,it i would emphasize the savin- of lives from heart disease cancer, and stroke is not re tired to justify efforts q to ne of n-ODI-e. P.,ODle should have whatever typd O'L Ca--c- they r@eed, 117,21--@ther -Lt be Preventive curative o-i- ra'i-iabil-L t @Lve. This a arv &ii73hasis oil !-,Lie care of s4c,@c. 0 is the fourda v7 L tior' 04 the nope V7 4:nlse TO Z-Ulf4-,'-lL ti-,-.8 ho-),- to 0-0, the 'Loi-,ildatio7i &'ro-@-dy the :class @-e of ta;-s bill. '@s Prbsirlc-.it O'cT-irson said in his to C6-.i,,ress "T',ieso pro,-,rars ari,- --c c'fac@-'v-- @.7ays to a tzck Ili - b-o resources a developing L c S D k'-"lers 'his co-,irt7--y. ThO-aSandS 0-4 @er 4 CZ -IS L- -C' y V4 -,a disease call--Ca:, or a -o- care St re --!-@azey recei -n- bet!- he 1 f-h a-id v-'-ta7- c- s. ethreats to our 4-@ @4ty stubborn and ur@y@- ILVI-- are now to MO%,L. i@-to the ,iext in the dev,-Io L (52 -.7Lc i i pro oivs SO '6@ro@.Lts O- you." V.L 3 0 !'I cc... oil e f,,i -,,r r c,,q Z e C'