lmilloollill PROFILE: OKLAHOMA MGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRM Grantee University o'f Oklahoma Medical Center Direct6r Dale Groom, M.D. Originally Prepared By: Frank G. Zizlavsky Original Date September 1, 1969 Updated TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Geography II. Demography III. Politics IV. Historical Review V. Core Staff VI. Overall Organization VII. Funded Operational Projects APPENDIX GEOGRAPHY Geographic Definition of the ReFion: From the beginning this Region has been defined as the State of Okla- homa. The original judgement was that the State constituted a logical gio al unit. Neither Oklahoma nor its neighboring Re-ions have rigid- re n ly interpreted inter-regional boundary lines. For example, ORNP will encourage communities in the far eastern portions of Oklahoma to part- -icipate in any activities sponsored by the Arkansas Regional Medical Program at Ft. Smith,Arkansas. On the other hand., the cardiologists in Ft. Smith are already cooperating with the Oklahoma @NIP coronary .care project, with:approval of the Arkansas RMP. ENID TULSA 10 OI