Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Fuel Model Selection for BEHAVE
in Midwestern Oak Savannas

Keith W. Grabner
U.S. Geological Survey
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
301 Gentry Hall
Columbia, MO 65211

John P. Dwyer and Bruce E. Cutter
School of Natural Resources
203 Anheurser-Busch Natural Resources Building
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211

Abstract: BEHAVE, a fire behavior prediction system, can be a useful tool for managing areas with prescribed fire. However, the proper choice of fuel models can be critical in developing management scenarios. BEHAVE predictions were evaluated using four standardized fuel models that partially described oak savanna fuel conditions: Fuel Model 1 (Short Grass), 2 (Timber and Grass), 3 (Tall Grass), and 9 (Hardwood Litter). Although all four models yielded regressions with R2 in excess of 0.8, Fuel Model 2 produced the most reliable fire behavior predictions.

Key Words: Fire behavior, oak savanna, oak woodland, fire behavior prediction, rate-of-spread, prescribed fire.

This resource is based on the following source (Northern Prairie Publication 1146):
Grabner, Keith W., John P. Dwyer, and Bruce E. Cutter.  2001.  Fuel model selection 
     for BEHAVE in midwestern oak savannas.  Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 

This resource should be cited as:

Grabner, Keith W., John P. Dwyer, and Bruce E. Cutter.  2001.  Fuel model selection 
     for BEHAVE in midwestern oak savannas.  Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 
     18(3):74-80.  Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 25JUL2002).

Table of Contents

Tables and Figures

Note: Keith Grabner can be reached at (573)882-0211; Fax; (573)884-5133; E-mail: This project was completed when the senior author was a graduate student at the University of Missouri-Columbia and was funded by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Thanks go to all the personnel who planned and conducted the prescribed fires where data was collected. Additional thanks to George Hartman, Fire Ecologist with the Missouri Department of Conservation, for his comments and assistance throughout this project and to John Roberts , now-retired University of Missouri Research Analyst, for his technical assistance with the rate-of-spread clocks. Copyright © 2001 by the Society of American Foresters.
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