USGS Science for a changing world
Cooperator Access

Ground Water Data and Maps for Mississippi

About Ground Water Data and Maps for Mississippi

Due to the sensitive nature of the data provided by this site (i.e. - maps to public water supply wells), access to this site is restricted to cooperating federal, state, and local agencies, only.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has developed a database which integrates ground-water data records supplied by the Mississippi District of the USGS, the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Mississippi Department of Health (DOH), and the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (AGCOM). This site provides various ground-water records including water levels, water-quality data, well information, electric-log data and images, agricultural chemical data, and nitrite/nitrate and radon values for over 3,000 public water supply wells in Mississippi. Map layers of Mississippi are also available including: geology, soil susceptibility, soil types, and subsurface aquifer extents. The user has the ability to conduct complex searches based upon these criteria and to create hydrographs of historical water levels.

Click here to enter Mississippi Ground Water Data and Maps.

NEW Click here to access all of our e-logs.

Not all water-resources data collected by the USGS and participating agencies are provided on this web page. To inquire about the availability of additional hydrologic data from the participating agencies, click on the links below

About this web site

Ground Water Data and Maps for Mississippi is a new system that builds upon the efforts of several other USGS systems, including the national systems for the retrieval of realtime and historic streamflow data (NWIS and NWISWeb) and the locally developed real-time streamflow data system (floodtracking). An overview of Ground Water Data and Maps for Mississippi is available for further information.

For any questions about this site, e-mail IGWDB web maintainer
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