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Hazards and Preparedness

Seattle Seismic Hazard Map and Data Download
(July 2007)

Seismic Hazard Maps
Close-up of Cascadia Region Seismic Hazard Map, link to National Maps

Seattle Fault Earthquake Scenario - collaboration between Earthquake Engineering Research Institute and Washington Emergency Management Division.

Project Impact - Building a Disaster Resistant Community

Homepage of the Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup, a non-profit consortium working to reduce the effects of Cascadia earthquakes.

Executive Summary of PACNW earthquake risks (pdf)
Table summarizing earthquake sources and effects, map showing relations between tectonic features

University of Washington Earthquake Preparedness Frequently asked questions

Getting Prepared - Local Links:    WA    OR    BC

Landslide Hazards

Landslides triggered by storms, Nov-Dec 1998
Puget Sound Landslides, Washington Dept of Ecology
Shoreline Photos

Tsunami Hazards
Links to tsunami hazard warnings and general information

Lifelines/Earthquakes in greater Seattle
Online publication, text and maps, detailing hazards to lifelines in the Seattle area.

Living with Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest- full review online
Robert Yeats, a professor emeritus of geology at Oregon State University, warns that the Pacific Northwest is facing a catastrophe that could cause thousands of fatalities and tens of billions of dollars of damage, an Oregon State University expert says-and despite some progress made in the last few years to prepare for this, a majority of people still don't seem to care.

Federal Emergency Management Agency

General information (FEMA Homepage)
Earthquake safety information
FEMA Region 10 (includes Washington)

American Red Cross

General information (American Red Cross Homepage)
Earthquake safety information