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Active Faults

Seattle Fault Zone || Strait of Juan de Fuca || Devils Mountain Fault || Whidbey Island Fault || Puget Lowland

Contact: Art Frankel

The goal of the is to document the location, length, geometry, and slip rates of active crustal fault zones in the Puget Lowland. We are working with a data base that includes

(1) more than 2,500 km of USGS high-resolution (upper 1 to 1.5 km) seismic-reflection data;

(2) industry seismic reflection data donated to or purchased by the USGS; and

(3) geologic information from field investigations (mapping and stratigraphy), analysis of well records, etc. collected in specific local areas where fault zones have been identified.

We are working to integrate information and interpretations with other data collected in recent geologic and geophysical mapping studies and deep seismic surveys. This is a collaborative effort with colleagues and projects from the USGS Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team , Western Earth Surface Processes Team, and Western Earthquake Hazards Team , and the Geological Survey of Canada.

location map

Map showing Puget Lowland and eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca structures.