Office of Aviation

Description: Helicoptors

The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs’ Office of Aviation (INL/A) is responsible for the curtailment of the supply of illegal drugs from foreign sources into the United States through aerial eradication of drug crops, interdiction of refining laboratories and trafficking activities, and other enforcement operations as directed by the Secretary of State.

As the Bureau’s “air wing,” the Office of Aviation provides planning, operational and logistical support, and contract oversight for INL counter-narcotics aviation programs in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. This mission is performed using INL/A’s fleet of approximately 149 active fixed and rotary wing aircraft. In addition, INL/A conducts limited oversight and accountability for approximately 138 other active fixed and rotary wing aircraft currently owned and/or supported by INL.

The Office of Aviation works closely with Embassy Narcotics Affairs Sections and Host Government police and military organizations in these efforts, and conducts training and support activities to develop Host Government aviation capabilities and eventual self-sufficiency.

Providing aviation expertise and resources to eradicate and interdict illicit drugs, strengthening law enforcement, and supporting counter terrorism efforts, INL/A’s recent awards and accomplishments include:

  • 2007 GSA Federal Aviation Professional Award – Sharon Nell, INL/A Director

  • 2006 –Record year of coca sprayed in Colombia (168,987 raw hectares with an original target goal of 130,000 and revised goal of 160,000)

  • 2006 GSA Federal Aviation Program Award – Large Program Category