Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Attracting Wildlife to Your Back Yard

A Guide to Increasing Wildlife Diversity and Aesthetic Value Around Your Home

Cover photo

by Chris Grondahl

Nongame and Watchable Wildlife Program
North Dakota Game and Fish Department

This resource is based on the following source:
Grondahl, Chris.  1999.  Attracting Wildlife to Your Back Yard: A Guide to 
     Increasing Wildlife Diversity and Aesthetic Value Around Your Home.  North 
     Dakota Game & Fish Department Nongame and Watchable Wildlife Program.  
     46 pages.    
This resource should be cited as:
Grondahl, Chris.  1999.  Attracting Wildlife to Your Back Yard: A Guide to 
     Increasing Wildlife Diversity and Aesthetic Value Around Your Home.  North 
     Dakota Game & Fish Department Nongame and Watchable Wildlife Program.  
     46 pages.  Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. 
     (Version 16SEP99).

Table of Contents

Downloading Instructions -- Instructions on downloading and extracting files from this site.

Download icon (1.3M) -- Attracting Wildlife to Your Back Yard: A Guide to Increasing Wildlife Diversity and Aesthetic Value Around Your Home

Installation: Extract all files and open index.htm in a web browser.

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