Louisiana Recovery Authority - Paul Rainwater, Executive Director - State of LouisianaThe mission of the Louisiana Recovery Authority is to ensure that Louisiana rebuilds safer, stronger and smarter than before.
Governor Bobby Jindal - State of Louisiana

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State Signs Agreement with New Contractor to Serve Homeowners in Road Home Program The state of Louisiana has signed a two-year contract, complete with 19 performance measures, with Lutcher-based Hammerman and Gainer, Inc., to administer the homeowner assistance portion of the Road Home program, including performing a final review of all files. Case Management Program Helps Thousands of Families Receiving Disaster Housing AssistanceTransition to Permanent Housing The state of Louisiana, working with the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), launched a case management program and a statewide hot line aimed at helping thousands of families in the Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP) transition into permanent housing before the program shuts down at the end of August.