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Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually Transmitted Diseases  >  Surveillance  >  2000 Reports  >  2000 National STD Surveillance Report

2000 National Surveillance Logo

STD Surveillance 2000

    Table of Contents

Click on htm or pdf to view a section.  For best results viewing online, click on htm.  For best results printing, click on pdf.  Pdf files require Adobe Acrobat Reader. 

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Center/Division Management htm Vertical line pdf
Foreword  htm 
Preface  htm
Acknowledgments htm
Figures in the National Profile  htm
Additional Figures in the Special Focus Profiles  htm
Tables in the National Profile htm
Geographic Divisions of the United States htm
National Overview of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 2000  htm
National Profile
   Introduction htm Vertical line  pdf
   Chlamydia htm
    Gonorrhea htm pdf
    Syphilis htm pdf
    Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases htm pdf
Special Focus Profiles
    Introduction htm pdf
    STDs in Women and Infants htm pdf
    STDs in Adolescents and Young Adults htm pdf
    STDs in Racial and Ethnic Minorities htm pdf
    STDs Among Men Who Have Sex with Men htm pdf
    STDs in Persons Entering Corrections Facilities htm pdf
    STDs in the South htm pdf
    National Summary Tables htm Vertical line pdf
    Chlamydia Tables htm
    Gonorrhea Tables htm
    Syphilis Tables htm
    Chancroid Tables htm
    Sources and Limitations of Data htm Vertical line pdf
    NETSS Figures A1 - A3  htm
    Healthy People 2010 Table A1 htm pdf
    Contributors htm pdf

Page last modified: December 3, 2001
Page last reviewed: December 3, 2001 Historical Document

Content Source: Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention