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Homeland Security Components

More about the Office of Infrastructure Protection

CIKR Sectors and the NIPP

The Office of Infrastructure Protection (IP) leads the coordinated national program to reduce and mitigate risk within the 18 national CIKR Sectors from acts of terrorism and natural disasters and to strengthen Sectors’ ability to respond and quickly recover from an attack or other emergency.  This is done through the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP).

CIKR Sectors and Their Sector-Specific Agencies

Office of Infrastructure Protection

  • Chemical
  • Commercial Facilities
  • Critical Manufacturing
  • Dams
  • Emergency Services
  • Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste

Other Agencies

  • Agriculture and Food - Department of Agriculture; Food and Drug Administration
  • Banking - Department of the Treasury
  • Communications - Department of Homeland Security
  • Defense Industrial Base - Department of Defense
  • Energy - Department of Energy
  • Government Facilities - Department of Homeland Security
  • Information Technology - Department of Homeland Security
  • National Monuments and Icons - Department of the Interior
  • Postal and Shipping - Transportation Security Administration
  • Public Health and Healthcare - Department of Health and Human Services
  • Transportation Systems - Transportation Security Administration; U.S. Coast Guard
  • Drinking Water and Water Treatment - Environmental Protection Agency

Under the NIPP, a Sector-Specific Agency (SSAs) is the assigned federal agency to lead a collaborative process for infrastructure protection for each of the 18 sectors. The comprehensive NIPP framework allows IP to provide the cross-sector coordination and collaboration needed to set national priorities, goals, and requirements for effective allocation of resources. More importantly, the NIPP framework integrates a broad range of CIKR public and prive protection activities.

The SSAs provide guidance about the NIPP framework to state, territorial, tribal, and local homeland security agencies and personnel.  They coordinate NIPP implementation within the sector, which involves developing and sustaining partnerships and information-sharing processes, as well as assisting with contingency planning and incident management.

IP serves as the SSA for six of the 18 CIKR sectors. IP works closely with SSAs of the other 12 CIKR sectors to implement the NIPP.  This may involve addressing cross-sector vulnerabilities and working to achieve cross-sector program efficiencies.

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Contingency Planning and Incident Management Division (CPIMD). CPIMD coordinates and implements preparedness activities such as exercises, contingency planning, developing concepts of operations and incident management in a manner that is consistent with and supportive of the NIPP, the National Response Framework and other interagency incident management coordination structures. CPIMD also manages the National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC).

Infrastructure Analysis and Strategy Division. IASD leads the nation's premiere analytical teams in CIKR-related modeling, simulation, and analysis, in close collaboration with Department and NIPP partners. IASD maintains the Homeland Security Infrastructure Threat and Risk Analysis Center (HITRAC), an internal Department coordination center, and the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC).

Infrastructure Information Collection Division (IICD). IICD leads the Department's program to acquire infrastructure data and provide it in standardized formats to public and private sector homeland security partners to enhance planning and emergency response. IICD provides enterprise solutions for the collection, protection and visualization of infrastructure information.

Infrastructure Security Compliance Division (ISCD). ISCD leads the national implementation of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS). ISCD's program assesses high-risk chemical facilities, promotes collaborative security planning, and ensures that covered facilities meet risk-based performance standards.

Partnership and Outreach Division (POD). POD develops and sustains strategic relationships and information sharing with owners and operators of the nation’s CIKR.  POD recently added an outreach and training branch to assist state, tribal, and local homeland security partners.

Protective Security Coordination Division (PSCD). PSCD reduces risk to the nation’s CIKR by assessing CIKR vulnerabilities and incident consequences; developing, implementing, and coordinating protective programs; and facilitating response and recovery operations.

Sector-Specific Agency Executive Management Office. SSA EMO oversees the CIKR protection in six of the 18 CIKR Sectors — Chemical, Commercial Facilities, Critical Manufacturing, Dams, Emergency Services, and Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste.

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Goal 1:  Understand and share risk and other information about terrorist threats and other hazards to our nation’s critical infrastructures and key resources (CIKR).

Goal 2:  Build and sustain effective CIKR partnerships and coordination mechanisms.

Goal 3:  Build and implement a sustainable, national CIKR risk-management program.

Goal 4:  Ensure efficient use of resources for CIKR risk management.

Goal 5:  Provide a foundation for continuously improving national CIKR preparedness.

Read more about the Office of Infrastructure Protection's goals

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This page was last reviewed/modified on April 14, 2009.