
Index to Collections in ARC


The index to Collections in ARC is arranged alphabetically by Collection Identifier and provides ARC Search Links into the catalog. An Index to Record Groups in ARC is also available. The ARC Tutorial: Hierarchy provides guidance on using the "Search Within" feature in ARC, which is available at the Collection level.

Collection MAK: Records of the Makah Tribal Council (1943 - 1969)

Collection MARCH: John P. March Collection (ca. 1918 - ca. 1918)

Collection MARTN: Jack Martin Collection

Collection MATTH: Sara Branham Matthews and Annie Laurie Branham Pike Collection (1862 - 1862)

Collection MAXWL: Ben Maxwell Collection (ca. 1898 - ca. 1967)

Collection MC: National Broadcasting Company Collection of Photographs of U.S. and Foreign Officials Taken by Navy Cdr. Maurice Constant (1938 - 1953)

Collection MCCOT: Virginia Webb McCotter Collection (ca. 1923 - ca. 1955)

Collection MCDON: Nina McCully McDonald Collection (ca. 09/13/1917 - ca. 09/13/1917)

Collection MCKIN: Nancy McKinley Collection (ca. 1836 - ca. 1862)

Collection MDT: Records of the Maryland Department of Transportation (1962 - 1962)

Collection MFF: Mark Foreman Films Collection (1979 - 1979)

Collection MFPC: Monday Film Production Company Collection (1973 - 1973)

Collection MGM: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Collection (1937 - 1937)

Collection MH: Minnesota Historical Society Photographic Collections Relating to Alaska and to Washington, DC and Vicinity (1866 - 1919)

Collection MHS: Michigan Historical Commission Collection (ca. 1888 - ca. 1888)

Collection MILR: Gertrude P. Miller Collection (1915 - 1915)

Collection ML: MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour Collection (01/1976 - 1988)

Collection MLB: Margaret Lavender Betzel Collection (ca. 1920 - 1938)

Collection MLT: Joseph Milteer Collection (1963 - 1963)

Collection MMILL: Mrs. Alexander MacMillan Collection (05/24/1963 - 05/24/1963)

Collection MNM: Museum of New Mexico Collection (ca. 1920 - ca. 1925)

Collection MNR: Robert S. McNamara Papers (1959 - 1968)

Collection MONRO: Colonel Thomas H. Monroe, Jr. Collection (1988 - 1988)

Collection MORA: Philippe Mora Collection (1973 - 1975)

Collection MORG: Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Collection (1939 - 1939)

Collection MORLY: Jefferson Morley Collection (11/02/1994 - 11/02/1994)

Collection MOVIO: Moviola Company Collection (1910 - 1945)

Collection MPAA: Motion Picture Association of America, Inc., Collection (1922 - 1959)

Collection MPK: Monroe P. Killy Collection of Photographs of Europe and North Africa (1942 - 1945)

Collection MR: University of Washington Collection (ca. 1931 - ca. 1977)

Collection MRLND: George C. Moreland Collection (1945 - 1956)

Collection MSA: Michigan State Archives Collection

Collection MSHEC: Mark Shecter Collection (1962 - 1963)

Collection MT: March of Time Collection (1934 - 1951)

Collection MURDK: John R. Murdock Collection (ca. 1885 - ca. 1951)

Collection MUTUAL: Mutual Broadcasting System Collection (1946 - 1946)

Collection MY: Charles N. Young Collection of Photographs (1899 - 1930)

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