The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

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Dates to Watch for Scholars

Truman Scholars Leadership Week
May 26, 2009 - May 31, 2009

Congratulations to the 2009 Class of Truman Scholars!

Request for Deferral Due
June 15, 2009

Letters of Deferral should be uploaded by this date.

Truman Scholars National Conference
June 19, 2009 - June 21, 2009

Please join your fellow Scholars for the National Conference in Washington, DC.   Additional information can be found at the Truman Scholars Association website.

Annual Report Due
July 15, 2009

Annual Reports should be uploaded by this date.

Employment Status Report
July 15, 2009

Employment Status Reports are due for any Scholar selected after 2005 who is subject to the provisions of the Accountability policy.  Please see the Reporting Guidelines for futher details.

Summer Institute Applications Due
September 15, 2009

All applications should be to Ruth Keen by this date.

Graduate Proposals Due
December 1, 2009

Graduate Proposals for those Scholars planning on using Foundation funds for the 2010 School Year should be uploaded by this date.

Summer Institute Contracts Due
December 15, 2009

Contracts should be signed and returned by this date.

  • 712 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20006
  • Phone: (202) 395-4831 Fax: (202) 395-6995
  • Email: